Click on the following links to read press clipping mentioning IFFO, including articles and interviews submitted by IFFO.
March 2025
- Aquaculture Asia Pacific: 2025 global fishmeal and fish oil production off to a good start
- Aquaculture Magazine: 2025 Global Fishmeal and Fish Oil Production Off to a Good Start
- Aumento histórico en la producción mundial de harina y aceite de pescado en enero de 2025
- Nutraingredients: Fish oil production ‘off to a good start’ in 2025
- Intrafish: EU counter tariffs on US fish oil, soy would have limited impact for aquaculture
- UndercurrentNews: Global fishmeal shortage less than a decade away with more supply shocks likely, analyst warns...
- Weareaquaculture: IFFO’s members meeting to take place in Madrid
- Europa Azul: Fishmeal producers satisfied with production at the start of 2025
- MisPeces: Global fishmeal and fish oil production starts strongly in 2025
- World Fishing & Aquaculture: IFFO: global fishmeal, fish oil production off to a good start
- The Fish Site: IFFO reports major increases in fishmeal and fish oil production
- FishfarmingExpert: Peru fishers delivered net gain for fishmeal and fish oil production in January
- Ipac.acuicultura: The IFFO 2025 members' meeting will take place in Madrid from 12 to 14 May
- Panorama Aquaculture Magazine: The IFFO 2025 members' meeting will take place in Madrid from 12 to 14 May
- WEAREAQUACULTURE: IFFO members to meet in May in Madrid
- FishfarmingExpert: Insects on the menu for marine ingredients suppliers at Madrid meeting
- Global Seafood Alliance: Alternative feeds, sea lice solutions and animal welfare innovations for aquaculture addressed in Bergen
- Feed and Additive Magazine: The potential role of tmao in mitigating fish health challenges during winter
- Intrafish: Seafood Power 100
- Intrafish: Fishmeal, fish oil production seen recovering in 2025
- UndercurrentNews: Peru bounceback to see global pelagics supply for fishmeal, oil near 15m metric tons
- Pesca & Medio Ambiente: IFFO- temporada de pesca de Perú compensa producción reducida de harina en el resto del mundo (p.14)
- International Aquafeed: Omega-3: one key to a healthier life
- International Aquafeed: IFFO estimates significant growth in 2024
- International Aquafeed: Holistic assessments of aquafeed ingredients
February 2025
- MisPeces: Enrico Bachis from IFFO Addresses Circular Marine Ingredients at AquaFarm 2025
- Fish Focus: The potential role of TMAO in mitigating fish health challenges during winter
- iLaks: The importance of TMAO for fish health in challenging winter conditions
- Driving sustainability in animal nutrition, the role of the GFLI
- The potential role of TMAO in mitigating fish health challenges during winter
Moneydj: Peru doubles production, global fishmeal production up 26% last year - Fish Farmer Magazine: Global outlook for feed sees prices easing
- MisPeces: IFFO report highlights exceptional fishmeal and fish oil production performance in Peru in 2024
- World Fishing & Aquaculture: New fishmeal, fish oil production estimates
- International Aquafeed: IFFO estimates significant growth
- Seafood Source: Fishmeal, fish oil production increased in 2024 thanks to Peruvian anchoveta fishery
- The Intrafish: Global fishmeal supply rebounds after 'outstanding recovery' in harvests
- International Aquafeed: Upgrading the downgraded
January 2025
- Mauriweb: 12th Consultative Forum for the Improvement of Small Pelagic Fisheries: Challenges and Perspectives
- CRIDEM: Opening of the 12th Consultative Forum of the Fisheries Improvement Project
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: Conferencia IFFO destaca papel de la industria de ingredientes marinos
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: Producción acumulada de harina de pescado
- TheFishSite: Positive forecasts for salmon and shrimp prices
- Intrafish: Key Peruvian anchovy season ends with over 95 percent of quota landed
- UndercurrentNews: Peru wraps up second 2024 anchovy fishing season
- Aquafeed: AquaFarm 2025: Decarbonization, biodiversity protection and circularity
- Intrafish: Global fish oil stocks still have some way to go to fully recover
Fishfarmer: Increased supplies in commodities - Fiskerforum: Peru’s successful fishing season offsets reduced global fishmeal production
- Worldfishing: Thank Peru for a stable fishmeal supply
- The Fish Site: IFFO members buoyed by Peru's bumper harvest
- Feednavigator: Peru's robust fishing season
- International Aquafeed: Peru’s strong fishing season boosts global fishmeal supply despite reduced production elsewhere
- Weareaquaculture: Peru's high fishing activity compensates for global fishmeal production
- UndercurrentNews: Peru’s strong fishing season helps offset global fishmeal shortage in 2024
- Aquafeed: Peru’s successful fishing season offsets reduced fishmeal production in the rest of the world
- Intrafish: Peru anchovy harvest recovery offsets lower fishmeal production elsewhere
- Europazul: Peru's successful fishing season compensates for reduced fishmeal production in the rest of the world
- Seafoodsource: Successful Peruvian fishing seasons compensate for reduced fishmeal, fish oil production elsewhere
- Salmonexpert: Exitosa temporada de pesca de Perú compensa producción mundial reducida de harina de pescado
- El analisis de 2024
- International Aquafeed: Sustainability is so much more than FI:FO
December 2024
- Feed Navigator: Climate change and fishery management key priorities for marine ingredients industry
- UndercurrentNews: Peru anchovy landings hit 4m metric tons as Chinese prices soften
- Fish Farmer: As climate fluctuations impacted the supply of fishmeal in 2024, more investment was ploughed into alternative sources (p70-71)
- PressReader: Fishmeal production up 23% year-on-year
- 500,000 tonnes of fishmeal goes to feed salmonids globally
- Salmon feed prices must go down
- The fish oil price has fallen by 64 per cent
- International Aquafeed: Why good intentions don't solve problems
November 2024
- AllAboutFeed Online: Strong Peruvian anchovy season boosts this year’s fishmeal production
- Feed and additive: IFFO’s data shows increase in fishmeal production for 2024
- Seafoodsource: Grouper farming growth rate in China outstripping all other species
- Intrafish: New Peru mega-port expected to benefit fishmeal industry
- Thefishsite: Peru drives global fishmeal production surge
- FiskerForum: Peru's strong anchovy season boosts fishmeal production
- AllAboutFeed Online: Strong Peruvian anchovy season boosts this year’s fishmeal production
- World Fishing & Aquaculture: Fishmeal production boosted by Peru Anchovy
- eFeedLink Technical Forum: Peru drives growth in global fishmeal production as IFFO reports modest increase in fish oil output
- AllAboutFeed Online: Evaluating the search for new protein sources in aquafeeds
- Undercurrent News: Peruvian fishmeal market ‘very active’ as season unfolds
- Europa Azul: Fishmeal production in 2024 was higher than in 2023
- Industrias Pesqueras: Good Peruvian anchovy catches boost global fishmeal production by 23%
- Fish Farmer (Online): Fishmeal production up 23% year-on-year
- Seafoodsource: Sustainable Fisheries Partnership: Private sector investments will be key to global fisheries management
- Aquafeed: Peru's strong anchovy season drives increased fishmeal production
- Fishfarmer: Fishmeal production up 23% year-on-year
- EuropaAzul: Fishmeal production in 2024 was higher than in 2023
- Feed Strategy: Amid growing protein need, scientist sees promise in hydrolysates
- Undercurrent News: India, Oman target fishmeal export growth after record 2023
- International Aquafeed: Rethinking feed sustainability
October 2024
- Tridge: Norway: Is there a link between declining marine osmolytes in feed and rising winter wounds and ulcers in salmon?
- Feed and Additive Magazine: IFFO’s Annual Conference wraps up with record-breaking attendance
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: La conferencia IFFO destaca el papel de la industria de ingredientes marinos en la nutrición mundial y la sostenibilidad de la pesca
- FeedNavigator: Is there a link between declining marine osmolytes in feed and rising winter wounds and ulcers in salmon?
- IntraFish: IFFO: Marine ingredient sector must innovate to increase byproduct use
- Thefishsite: IFFO Conference reveals mixed outlook
- Ipacuicultura: Feeding the future, impacts and social licence are among the aspects addressed at the IFFO Annual Conference
- Fishfarmer: anchovy quota announced in Lisbon
- Intrafish: IFFO: China fishmeal output likely to decline after ‘remarkable’ jump in 2023
- Intrafish: Peru anchovy quota boosts sentiment across the fishmeal supply chain
- Feednavigator: IFFO Conference 2024
- Aquaculture Asia Pacific : IFFO conference highlights the role of the industry
- Aquafeed: Marine ingredients and omega-3 trends
- UndercurrentNews: Blog from IFFO's Lisbon conference
- Pesca y medio ambiente: Primera temporada de pesca impulsa una mayor produccion de harina de pescado
- Vasep: Insect powder is no longer a niche but the production cost is high
- UndercurrentNews: Peruvian fishmeal sector, gov’t expect ‘promising’ second anchovy season
- Fisker Forum: Strong first anchovy season drives higher fishmeal production
- Seafood Source: Global fishmeal, fish oil production up through July 2024 on solid Peru anchovy fishery performance
- Ipacuicultura: Peru's good first anchovy season boosts fishmeal and fish oil production through July
- Worldfishing: Peru’s strong first anchovy season drives higher fishmeal production
- EFeedLink Technical: Global fishmeal production rises by 36% amid surge in Peruvian supply
- International Aquafeed: Feed intake regulation
September 2024
- Global fishmeal and fish oil production surges in 2024
- Feed and additive: New study explores benefits and realistic growth potential of LC-PUFAs
- IntraFish: VIEWPOINT: Precision nutrition will be key to the future of aquafeed
- IntraFish: Fishmeal supply rebound reflected in stable feed price outlook
- FishFirst: Interview with IFFO
- Feed Planet Magazine: Fishmeal production up 40% due to Peru’s strong fishing season
- FishFocus: Turning Blue to Green
- FishfarmingExpert: Making the most of fish
- The Fishing Daily: Fish Waste for Profit 2024 – Turning Blue to Green
- Feed and Additive Magazine: IFFO points out increased fishmeal production
- Animal Feed MEA: Algal oil production set to double by 2030 amid salmon industry struggles
- Feed Strategy Online: Algal oil production poised to double by 2030
- Fish First (China): High-quality fishmeal production fell by more than 60%! Peru predicts: A weak La Nina phenomenon may form in the summer of 2024-2025
- Fish First (China): Fishmeal from many countries flocks to China, and the quality issue behind the price becomes a hot topic
- Diario Gestión: Produces: In October, the start of the second anchovy fishing season will be defined
- FishFocus: Fishmeal production soars
- VASEP: Reducing carbon emissions in aquafeed is the EU's top priority
- Ipac.acuicultura: Circularity, new sources and greater feed efficiency, keys to greater LC-PUFA availability
- Diario Gestión Online: Global fishmeal production up 40%, says IFFO
- All About Feed Online: Fish meal and oil production up
- The Fish Site: Study highlights role, benefits and limitations of long-chain omega-3s
- The Aquaculturists: New major study
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Understanding the value of omega oils
- Aquafeed (UK): Study explores the supply and demand for long-chain omega-3 for aquaculture
- There is still room to further improve the efficiency of omega-3s in aquaculture feed
- RPP (Peru): World production of fishmeal and fish oil rose thanks to Peruvian fishing
- Fishing Daily: Fishmeal Production Surges in 2024 Amid Regional Fishing Challenges
August 2024
- eFeedLink Technical Forum: Global fishmeal and fish oil production rises in 2024, driven by strong Peruvian anchovy harvest
- Aquafeed: Applying Circularity Frameworks Against Aquaculture Feed Ingredient Use
- Pesca y medio ambiente: El sector de los alimentos balanceados: un componente crucial de la seguridad alimentaria
- International Aquafeed: Applying circularity frameworks against aquaculture feed ingredient use
- InfoSalmon: Producción de harina de pescado registra un alto crecimiento el 2024
- WeareAquaculture: Global fishmeal production surges in first half of 2024
- Le Marin: L’abondante saison de pêche à l’anchois au Pérou booste la production mondiale de farine de poisson
- Feedstrategy: Peru contributes to higher fishmeal production in 2024
- Seafoodsource: Global FMFO up in H1 2024
- Ipacuicultura: Fishmeal and fish oil production grows in the first half of the year thanks to successful season in Peru
- Revista alimentaria: Fishmeal production in 2024 grows thanks to successful fishing season
- Europa Azul: FM production grows by 40%
- Fiskerforum: Succesful anchovy season boosts 2024's fishmeal production
- Food News Latam: Fishmeal production in 2024 grows thanks to successful fishing season in north-central Peru
- International Aquafeed: You can only manage what you measure
- Aquafeed: Fishmeal production surges in 2024 IFFO reports
- CBA: Will the increase in fishmeal production have an impact on feed prices? shrimp price in 2024
- Mispeces: Global fishmeal and fish oil production increases year-to-date
- Fishfarmer: World fishmeal production up by 40%, industry body reports
- Mundo acuicola: Fishing in Peru affects rise in global fishmeal production
- Fishfarmer: Fish vs people?
- Fishfarming expert: Fishmeal and fish oil supply increased in first half of 2024
- 2024's fishmeal production up
- The Aquaculturists: 2024's fishmeal production up
- Feed and Additive Magazine: Feed and feed ingredients from the perspective of the aquaculture industry
- UndercurrentNews: Carbon footprint reduction in fish feed becoming priority in the EU, says IFFO Director
- Vasep: Abundant supply, fishmeal prices cool down
July 2024
- Feed&Additive: IFFO’s Annual Conference to be in Lisbon on October 21-23
- FeedNavigator: IFFO: Life cycle assessment model captures nuances of marine feed ingredients
- Aquaculture North America: Healthy Greens
- Undercurrent News: Fishmeal prices continue to fall in China on improved supply
- Feed&Additive: IFFO points out positive trends
- VASEP: Increased Peruvian anchovy fishing could help cool down fishmeal prices
- SeafoodSource: ISSF has emphasized working directly with fishers to improve sustainability in global tuna fisheries
- IFFO highlights positive trend in fishmeal and fish oil for 2024
- SeafoodSource: Successful Peruvian anchovy season slightly offset by lagging fishmeal, oil production in other markets, according to IFFO
- Agencia Órbita: FAO and IFFO highlight importance of the Peruvian anchovy fishery for world food
- Infobae: Food insecurity in Peru worsens: more than half of Peruvians went more than a day without eating
- La Visión: More than half of Peruvians spend more than a day without eating
- Peru 21: Sustainability of industrial fishing ratified
- El Peruano: FAO and IFFO highlight anchovy fishing
- Nteve: FAO and IFFO emphasize crucial role of Peruvian anchovy fishery in global food
- Revista Economía: FAO and IFFO highlight importance of the Peruvian anchovy fishery for world food
- Vasep: The world's fishmeal supply increased thanks to the good production of Peruvian anchovies in the first crop of the year
- Peru21: Sustainability of industrial fishing ratified
- Mundo Acuícola Online: La Conferencia Anual de IFFO tendrá lugar del 21 al 23 de octubre en Lisboa
- Ipac.acuicultura: La Conferencia Anual de IFFO tendrá lugar del 21 al 23 de octubre en Lisboa
- Fish Site: IFFO announces annual conference dates and agenda
- AquaFeed: IFFO annual conference to take place in Lisbon
- Fish Farmer: The aquafeed dilemma
- Fish Farming Expert: IFFO names Lisbon conference date
- Infobae: FAO and IFFO highlight the importance of anchovy fishing in Peru for world food
- Radio Nacional: FAO and IFFO highlight importance of Peruvian anchovy fishery for world food
- Andina: International Bodies Highlight Peruvian Anchovy Fishing for Global Food
- Diario Gestión Online: FAO highlights importance of Peruvian anchovy fisheries for world food
- FishfarmingExpert: Peruvian anchovy catch boosts fishmeal production by 40%
- FishSite: High hopes for lower fishmeal prices
- Feednavigator: Ban urged on West African fish oil
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Peru’s first 2024 anchovy season boosts global fishmeal, fish oil supply
- Aquafeed: Positive trend on fishmeal production
- MisPeces: Increases production of fishmeal and fish oil on a global scale
- International Aquafeed: Positive trend for fishmeal and fish oil
- Ipacuicultura: Optimism of the marine ingredients industry for this year 2024
- Mundo acuicola online: Positive trend in fishmeal and fish oil production by 2024
- (Vietnam): Proposal for sustainability metrics for aquaculture feed ingredients
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: FAO e IFFO destacan pesca de anchoveta en el Perú
- International Aquafeed: When science becomes this important, industry leads the way...
June 2024
- MisPeces: Authors propose life cycle analysis as a new way to measure the impacts of ingredients in aquaculture feed
- Fish Site: IFFO comments on major marine ingredients review
- UndercurrentNews: New sustainability metrics proposed for aquaculture feed ingredients...
- Ipac.acuicultura: Towards a holistic assessment of aquaculture feed ingredients through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- AquaFeed: Moving towards holistic assessments of aquafeeds
- Pesca & Medio Ambiente: The balanced food sector (In Spanish)
- FeedStrategy: Aquafeed sector optimistic despite drop in production
- SeafoodSource: Peru nears 2.5 million MT anchovy TAC in just 40 days
- Aquafeed: XXI International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding ends with successful attendance
- Vasep: Peru: Anchovy production reaches 2 million tons in the first harvest of this year
- Positive outlook for fishmeal
- Vasep: Peru: Anchovy production reaches 2 million tons in the first harvest of this year
- International Aquafeed: Questioning what the s word really means
- Aquafeed: NASF vuelve a batir récords
May 2024
- Intrafish: Peru anchovy producers optimistic that vast majority of quota will be harvested
- Vasep: Shanghai fishmeal prices are stable despite a sharp increase in Peruvian anchovy production
- UndercurrentNews: Shanghai fishmeal prices stable
- Feed Strategy Online: Carbon footprint of fishmeal is small and shrinking
- Seafoodsurce: Life-cycle assessment of Peru’s anchoveta fishery reveals it is “probably one of the lowest-carbon animal protein systems in the world”
- Aquafeed: The power of grains for the aquafeed industry
- Vasep: Aquafeed prices may continue to rise
- Feedstrategy: Fishmeal prices expected to normalize as El Nino wanes
- Mongabay: Twilight zone fishing
- eFeedLink Technical Forum: Global fishmeal production drops 27% in early 2024
- Europa Azul: Chile, the United States and African countries increased fishmeal production
- FishfarmingExpert: Early 2023 anchovy harvest skews Q1 comparison
- MisPeces: All eyes on the pace of Peruvian anchovy fishing
- TheFishsite: Peruvian anchovy season gets off to a swift start
- Undercurrent News: Global fishmeal output down 27% before Peru’s good anchovy fishing
- SeafoodSource: Global fishmeal production down 27 percent in Q1 2024, but trending positive for rest of year
- Intrafish: Where are fishmeal, fish oil prices heading?
- International Aquafeed: Blurring the food-feed division
- International Aquafeed: IFFO's Members Meeting
April 2024
- FeedAdditive: Marine ingredients industry gathers at IFFO’s meeting
- Intrafish: Key Peru anchovy season off to flying start
- Seafood Media: IFFO's Members meeting highlights the key role of science
- Aquafeed: : IFFO's members Meeting highlights the key role of science
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO's members Meeting highlights the key role of science
- Feednavigator: Blue Food Innovation Summit 2024: Scaling novel solutions and diversifying raw materials for aquafeed
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO Miami: Initial Peruvian landings, yields offer fish oil price relief
- NutraIngredients: Peruvian anchovy fishing quota signals rebound for omega-3 supply
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO Miami: ‘Survival mode’ for makers of fish oil for dietary supplements; China’s fishmeal consumption declined by 200,000t in 2023
- Fish Site: Quota announced for Peruvian anchovy fishing season
- IndustriasPesqueras: Peru sets the start of the first anchovy season in the North-Central zone and sets a catch cap of 2,475,000 tonnes
- Fiskerforum: Peruvian anchovy quota announced
- Weareaquaculture: Optimistic outlook for Peru
- Intrafish: Industry cautiously optimistic
- UndercurrentNews: Peru anchovy quota news sparks optimism from fishmeal, oil sector
- Fish Information and Services: Marine Ingredients Markets Trends
- Seafoodsource: Peru doubles anchovy quota for first season of 2024, total catch could exceed all of 2023
- MisPeces: La cuota de anchoveta para la primera temporada de pesca peruana tendrá 2,47 millones de toneladas
- Feednavigator: Peruvian anchovy quota announcement 'expected' but welcomed by industry
- Intrafish: Peru more than doubles pivotal anchovy quota
- Peru approves first 2024 anchovy season quota
- GlobalPETS Community: How did the pet food and aquaculture production industries fare in 2023?
- Feed Strategy Online: IFFO study sees promise in algae, single-cell proteins
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: La IFFO es la principal fuente del información sobre ingredientes marinos
- Pesca y Medio ambiente: El desempeno del Perú va a ser clave
- International Aquafeed: Navigating the sustainability waters
March 2024:
- Aquaculture Asia Pacific: Omega-3 futures in aquafeed
- GlobalPetsInternational: Seafood ingredients and the impact of fish shortages
- FeedNavigator: Critical need to advance protein resources as demand for aqua feed set to reach over 100 million tons by 2050.
- EuropaAzul: Alternative nutrition in aquaculture requires a complementary approach
- FishFarmer: Alternative aquafeed needs ‘complementary’ approach
- Worldfishing&Aquaculture: Where are we in the search for new proteins for aquafeeds?
- IntraFish: Feed sector battling the clock to meet aquaculture demand
- Global Seafood Alliance: Study: Aquaculture ‘making clear headway’ for alternative feed ingredients but scalability remains a challenge
- The Fish Site: Stronger together: study assesses complimentary aquafeed ingredients
- Ipacuicultura: Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture publishes SWOT analysis on protein sources used in aquaculture feed
- MisPeces: IFFO analyses the suitability of each of the protein sources for aquaculture feed
- Fish farming expert: Experts chew over future for aquafeed ingredients
- Where are we in the search for new protein sources
- Ipacuicultura: The IFFO Members' Meeting will be held on 16 and 17 April
- Intrafish: Fishmeal, fish oil outlook buoyed by improving climatic conditions
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO forecasts fishmeal production bounceback in 2024
- Intrafish: Seafish Power list 100
- UndercurrentNews: fish oil demand to remain strong
- International Aquafeed: No such thing as the perfect ingredient
February 2024:
- Vasep: Peruvian fishmeal production will recover after the first half of the year
- Supply Side Supplement Journal: 3 takeaways from GOED Exchange
- IFFO's 2023 analysis and 2024 outlook on fishmeal and fish oil
- UndercurrentNews: Peruvian fishmeal production on prolonged road
- Aquaculture Asia Pacific: IFFO's estimates of FMFO production
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: The power of nutrition for the industry in Asia
- Undercurrent News: Vietnam, India fill gap as Peru fishmeal sales to China plunge 51%
- MisPeces: IFFO holds its meeting with the industry in April to address the future of marine ingredients
- UndercurrentNews: Mauritania's fishmeal production drops
- TheFishSite: IFFO reports fishmeal and fish oil slump
- MisPeces: An unusual rise in sea temperature off the coast of Peru jeopardizes the first anchovy season of 2024
- Ipacuicultura: IFFO 2023 estimates: fishmeal and fish oil production fall by 23% and 21%, respectively
- Vasep: Global fishmeal production to decline by 23% in 2023
- Seafoodsource: Global fishmeal output dropped 23 percent in 2023
- Aquafeed: Fishmeal and fish oil production 20% less
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO's members meeting will take place in Miami
- IFFO members meeting to take place in Miami, program announced
- Natural Products INSIDER Online: Sandy Almendarez offers 5 omega-3 takeaways from GOED Exchange 2024
- Enrico Bachis, IFFO: It is important to encourage the industry to recover more fishery by-products
- International Aquafeed: Searching for circularity?
January 2024:
- IntraFish: The future of aquaculture' at stake as Atlantic fishing quota talks resume
- Fish Farmer: Feeding frenzy
- VASEP: Animal feed prices in 2024 continue to rise
- FT: The hidden cost of your supermarket salmon
- VASEP: China's economic recovery affects fishmeal consumption
- eFeedLink: Peru concludes second anchovy season, 25% uncaught
- we are aquaculture: Challenging year ahead for global fishmeal and fish oil production
- Faro de Vigo Online: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- Diario de Ibiza: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- Diario de Mallorca: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- Levante - El Mercantil Valenciano: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- El Periódico Mediterráneo: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- El Día Digital: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- La Provincia: China "corners" Africa with its imports of fishmeal and already "worries" Europe
- FiskerForum: Anchovy season ends, boosts fishmeal availability
- Intrafish: Things can only get better? Anchovy industry eyes recovery in 2024
- Seafoodsource: Haitong warns of oversupply dragging on Chinese seafood prices
- Ipac.acuicultura: IFFO: cae en un 16% la producción total acumulada de harina de pescado durante los primeros 11 meses de 2023
- FoodNews Latam: Tendencias del mercado de ingredientes marinos (enero de 2024)
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Global fishmeal market faces challenges as Peru’s production declines
- SeafoodSource: Peru closes anchovy season with 25 percent uncaught as global fishmeal production down 16 percent
- FishfarmerMagazine: Feeding frenzy
- The Fish Site: Peru ends second anchovy season
- MisPeces: Se cierra la segunda temporada de anchoveta de 2022 con el 75% de los desembarcos autorizados
- Aquafeed: Peru’s second anchovy season closes with 75% of the quota landed
- Weareaquaculture: Peru closes anchovy season with unfulfilled quota
- AllFishNews: Latest trends in marine ingredients market following Peru’s closure of anchovy fishing season
- Global fishmeal and fish oil production as a whole showed a downward trend in 2023
- IFFO highlights marine ingredients market trends as of December 2023
- SeafoodSource: Peru’s recovering anchoveta catch narrows fishmeal production gap
- International Aquafeed: Is there more to fish oil than energy and omega-3s?
December 2023:
- Feednavigator: Riding the storm: IFFO prioritizes responsible sourcing and accountability
- FeedandAdditiveMag: Global production of fishmeal and fish oil remains down
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Peru’s fishing woes drive world fishmeal, oil production dip
- Aquafeed: Global cumulative production of fishmeal and fish oil remains down
- TheFishSite: Global dip in fishmeal and fish oil continues
- MisPeces: Experts warn of the need for a strategic use of fishmeal and fish oil
- UndercurrentNews: Mars focused on sustainable sourcing as use of marine ingredients in pet food rises
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific November/December 2023: Omega-3’s futures in aquafeeds
- International Aquafeed Magazine:
November 2023:
- Nutraceuticals World: Reinforcing Omega-3 Supply Networks
- UndercurrentNews: Feed costs a crucial challenge for all shrimp farming nations
- IntraFish: Peru anchovy industry on edge as high number of juvenile fish and bad weather slow fishing
- Fishmeal and fish oil shortage IV: The impact and an outlook
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO exec on importance of finding new DHA/EPA sources
- Nutraceutical Business Review: Is upcycling underutilized food streams our ticket to a sustainable future
- The Fish Site: How aquaculture by-products are improving the footprint of marine ingredients
- Peru 21: World Fisheries Day: this food could guarantee food security
- UndercurrentNews: Swiss firm explores seafood partnership
- Seafoodsource: MarinTrust stresses importance of fishmeal factory certification
- Seafoodsource: Global fishmeal, fish oil remains down in 2023
- Feed and Additive Magazine: IFFO to hold Marine Ingredients China Workshop on December 12
- Fishmeal and fish oil shortage II: Formulation in challenging times
- Intrafish: Under fire, minister stands firm on pivotal anchovy quota
- Seafoodsource: GSSI re-ups BAP eco-label benchmarking; IFFO hosting marine ingredients workshop in China
- The Fish Site: IFFO to hold next workshop in China
- FeedNavigator: Hired and Retired: People on the Move in November
- Aquafeed International: IFFO's China Workshop to explore the value points and global market dynamics of marine ingredients
- Aquaculturists: IFFO's China Workshop to explore the value points and global market dynamics of marine ingredients
- Fishmeal and fish oil shortage, what are the alternatives?
- UndercurrentNews: Increased uncertainty looms over Peru’s fishmeal industry
- Seafoodsource: Fishmeal production causing crisis in Senegal, Mauritania
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Tracking where our next seafood meal comes from...
October 2023:
- Nutraingredients: Peruvian anchovy fishing season authorised to commence
- Weareaquaculture: Changes in IFFO's top management
- Intrafish: Fishmeal, fish oil trade group names new president
- SeafoodSource: FAO’s Lahsen Ababouch outlines obstacles to realizing aquaculture prosperity in Africa
- SeafoodSource: IFFO appoints new president and vice president; Iceland Seafood International elects new board
- Pet News 2Day: Information gaps in marine substances, lowering strain on fish ecoystems, the period of precision diet
- FishfarmingExpert: Pelagia chief elected president of marine ingredients organisation IFFO
- FiskerForum: IFFO looks to the future of marine ingredients
- The Fish Site: Who are the top producers and consumers of fishmeal and fish oil?
- Ipacuicultura: Egil Magne Haugstad, CEO of Pelagia AS, will be the new President of IFFO
- FeedNavigator: 3 IFFO conference: Data gaps in marine ingredients, reducing pressure on fish ecoystems, the era of precision nutrition
- Undercurrent News: IFFO 2023: Uncertainty looms over Peru’s ability to meet quota, sparking concerns on fishmeal, fish oil price drops
- FishfarmingExpert: Salmon feed firm’s marketing chief calls for more fisheries certification
- Feed Additive: Marine ingredients industry discusses trends, opportunities, and challenges
- Undercurrent News: IFFO 2023: Peru authorizes start of anchovy season
- The Decline in Global Production of Fishmeal and Fish Oil
- TheFishSite: Fishmeal and fish oil production falls by a quarter | The Fish Site
- MisPeces: All eyes on the Peruvian anchovy
- Feednavigator: Peruvian decline dragging down global fishmeal and fish oil production volumes
- Sharp fall in marine ingredients for fish feed
- FishfarmingExpert:MarinTrust offers easier access to fisheries information
- FeedNavigator: Report: Food security in Senegal and Mauritania undermined by growth of fishmeal and fish oil sector
- Aquafeed: | IFFO reports a sustained low trend in fishmeal and fish oil production
- Fishfarmingexpert: Marine ingredients supply hit hard by loss of Peruvian anchovies (
- UndercurrentNews: Global production of fishmeal, fish oil remains low, China struggles with rising fish feed costs
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Moving towards 100% fish utilisation
September 2023:
- ciq china: Mr. Petter Martin Johannessen of IFFO Marine Ingredients, and his delegation visited the Association
- Fishing Industry News SA: IFFO Conference in SA
- MisPeces: Fishmeal and fish oil produced in 2023 is half what it was a year ago
- Fiskerforum: fishmeal production down
- VietnamBiz: Animal feed prices will cool down from the fourth quarter when US raw materials enter Vietnam more favorably
- Fischmagazin: Fishmeal/Fish Oil: World Production Slumped by Half
- Global cumulative FMFO production down
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Global FMFO production down sharply
- Seafoodsource: Peru’s fishmeal production down 76 percent in 2023, IFFO reports
- Feed and Additive Magazine: IFFO unveils its Annual Conference’s detailed agenda
- Ipacuicultura: IFFO presents the program of its 61st Annual Conference
- International conference will address major issues of the future of nutrition and marine ingredients
- IntraFish: Market pressure is needed to keep advancing shrimp feed sustainability
- Aquaculturists: IFFO unveils its conference's detailed agenda
- IFFO unveils its confrence's agenda
- International Aquafeed: Sustainability, or just transferring the risk elsewhere
August 2023:
- Feed Strategy: Peru's fishing shutdown drives global fishmeal shortage
- SalmonExpert: Ingredientes en las dietas: entre el reemplazo y el complemento
- International Aquafeed: IFFO releases marine ingredients trends report
- International Aquafeed: responsible ingredients depend on sourcing of responsible primary raw materials
July 2023:
- Nutraceutical Buisness review: Is upcycling underutilised food streams our ticket to a sustainable future?
- Ipacuicultura: La caída de la producción de harina y aceite de pescado en Perú reduce la producción mundial
- Intrafish: El Niño's dark cloud hangs over second Peru anchovy season
- FeedNavigator: Market awaits news on first anchovy fishing season in Peru
- TheFishSite: Peruvian fishery suspension leads to substantial drops in fishmeal and fish oil supplies
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO releases Marine ingredients market trends report
- MisPeces: IFFO reports a drop in global fishmeal and fish oil production through May
- SeafoodSource: Peru’s reduced fishmeal production drives down global output
- Menor producción de harina y aceite de pescado en Perú reduce producción mundial
- Aquafeed: Getting strategic in Stirling
- TheFishSite: The startup that plans to scale-up land-based Artemia production
- International Aquafeed: Future feeds will focus on precision nutrition
June 2023:
- Benison Media: IFFO reports
- Danviet: Vietnam is the 2nd largest supplier of fishmeal to China and then imported to process animal feed
- IFFO presents analysis on marine ingredients market trends
- SeafoodSource: Peru’s canceled anchovy fishing season seen as necessary trade-off for sustainability
- FeedNavigator: Marine ingredients organization IFFO calls Peru’s decision to cancel the critical first anchovy fishing season ‘wise’
- IntraFish: IFFO: Full impact of Peru anchovy season cancellation will depend on what happens in other regions
- IntraFish: An isolated event? Full impact of cancelled Peru anchovy season depends on fate of other regions
- IntraFish: Deep cut in Peru anchovy quota, adverse weather shaking up fishmeal market
- The Fish Site: Insights into omega-3s in aquafeeds
- FeedNavigator: IFFO technical director: ‘The fishmeal and fish oil industry is no longer the whipping boy of the feed ingredient world’
- Aquafeed: Preliminary quota fixed for first Peruvian anchovy season
- Aquahoy:IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends – June 2023 update
- SeafoodSource: With 2023 fishmeal production up 30 percent, IFFO anticipates beginning of Peru’s first anchovy fishing season
- MisPeces: Concern about El Niño and the meager quota for anchovy fishing
- International Aquafeed: How sowing the seeds of science delivers a better future
May 2023:
- Undercurent News: Global marine ingredient market clouded by uncertainty over Peru anchovy season delay
- Seafoodsource: SFP's 2022 reduction fisheries report warns of stagnation in sustainability improvements
- IntraFish: IFFO: Fishmeal supply from other nations will dictate market if pivotal Peru anchovy season is cancelled
- Seafoodsource: IFFO reports higher fishmeal supply but lower demand in China
- Aquahoy: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends for Q1 2023
- Aquafeed: High fishmeal and low fish oil production at the start of 2023
- IPACuicultura: Fishmeal production increases in the first quarter of 2023
- Produce: In June it is defined whether or not there will be the first anchovy fishing season
- FishfarmingExpert: Fishmeal production rose by 36% in IFFO-tracked areas in Q1
- Undercurrent News: Peruvian fishmeal, fish oil prices keep rising on El Nino fears
- The Fish Site: IFFO reports slump in Chinese domestic fishmeal production
- Seafood Source: Op-ed: What is needed to address the food challengeOp-ed: What is needed to address the food challenge
- MisPeces: Enrico Bachis, IFFO: the conventional marine ingredients industry and "new ingredients" need to work together
- MisPeces: The high profitability of salmon encourages the implementation of new, more technological production systems
- MisPeces: Petter Martin Johannessen | @misPeces
- MisPeces: Traditional marine ingredients remain the best choice for aquaculture
- UndercurrentNews: Austral’s fleet first in Peru to get labour health, safety certification
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Strong start to year for global fishmeal production
- International Aquafeed: IFFO looks into the protein challenge at its Members’ Meeting
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO looks into the protein challenge at its Members’ Meeting
- FishfarmingExpert: A huge opportunity slipping through the net
April 2023:
- - Fishmeal production increases in the first two months of the year
- Nutraingredients: Market Insights: Marine ingredients supply off to a swimming start in 2023
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Strong start to year for global fishmeal production
- Feednavigator: Global fishmeal prduction buoyant
- The Fish Site: Global fishmeal production increases 55 percent
- Ipacuicultura: Fishmeal production increases in the first two months of the year compared to the same period of 2022 by 55%
- Europa Azul: Global fishmeal production increases by 55%
- Agrospectrum: Global fishmeal production increases by 55%
- International Aquafeed: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- Aquahoy: Análisis de IFFO sobre las tendencias del mercado de ingredientes marinos (marzo de 2023)
- Seafood Source: Late anchoveta season in Peru driving major fishmeal production increase
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Waste not, want not
March 2023:
- MisPeces: IFFO Congress will bring together in Madrid more than 170 experts from the marine ingredients industry
- Ipacuicultura: IFFO will gather its members in Madrid in May
- IFFO to host its members meeting in Madrid
- Hatchery International: Is fishmeal availability going to be stable in 2023?
- Undercurrent News: IFFO predicts steady fishmeal/oil production for 2023
- Peru Informa: Aquaculture: know the benefits of fishmeal
- Industria Alimentaria: Conoce los beneficios de harina de pescado
- Agencia orbita: Conoce los beneficios de la harina de pescado
- Chimbote online: Conoce los beneficios de la harina de pescado
- Vision agropecuaria: Conoce los beneficios de la harina de pescado
- Ser peruano: Conoce los beneficios dela harina de pescado
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Shrimp supreme
February 2023:
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: Latest insights on fishmeal and fish oil market trends
- Intrafish: Anchovy landings fall short, but changes in China's pig sector will have the real impact on fishmeal prices
- Future Farming: Marine ingredients: prices, availability and much more
- Towards sustainable aquafeed
- International Aquafeed Magazine: no such thing as waste
January 2023:
- Aqua Cl: Fish oil production increased in 2022 compared to the previous year
- Industrias Pesqueras: Fish oil production increases in 2022 while mealmeal production decreases, according to IFFO
- Fiskerforum: IFFO issues 2022 production figures
- FishfarmingExpert: Fish oil production was up, fishmeal down, in first 11 months of 2022
- MisPeces: Crece la producción de aceite de pescado en 2022 respecto al año anterior
- International Aquafeed: IFFO reports on marine ingredients market trends 2023
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO reports on marine ingredients market trends 2023
- The Fish Site: What’s on the horizon for marine ingredients in 2023?
- Intrafish: Time is running out to catch full Peru anchovy quota
- Intrafish: Peru on pace to harvest all second season anchovy quota by end of month
- International Aquafeed Magazine: you cannot manage what you cannot measure
December 2022:
- Chinese media: In 2022, the global fishmeal production will be about 4.8 million tons, which is lower than the average in the past ten years, with a forecast for 2023
- Aquafeed: Aquafeed outlook 2023: Prices, novel ingredients and feed efficiency
- UndercurrentNews: Peruvian fishmeal, oil prices hitting highs amid fishing season concern...
- AllAboutFeed: Marine ingredients – prices, availability and more
- explores latest insights
- FoodNewsLatam:Peru is one of the world's leading suppliers of fish oil and fishmeal
- Revista industria alimentaria: Peru is one of the world's leading suppliers of fish oil and fishmeal
- Undercurrent News: China may face pressure to ditch ethoxyquin-treated fishmeal, says Peruvian trader
- Ntnews: IFFO provides updates on fishmeal and fish oil – The Fish Site
- Fish Site: IFFO delivers fishmeal and fish oil updates
- Undercurrent News: European fishmeal producers prepare for shift to China if blue whiting exits MarinTrust program
- International Aquafeed:
November 2022:
- Feednavigator: IFFO: global fishmeal production is stable
- MisPeces: PRODUCE Peru sets catches of anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil at 2 million tonnes
- Intrafish: Peru's fishing industry faces race against time
- MisPeces: Petter Martin Johannessen de IFFO: “la acuicultura es la forma más eficaz de utilizar los nutrientes de las especies de peces pelágicos pequeños”
- Increased quota for the 2022 second anchovy season in Peru
- IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- El Comercio Online (Peru): Fisheries and aquaculture could ensure the world's food security by 2050
- Fisheries and aquaculture could ensure the world's food security by 2050
- Peru 21: La pesca y la acuicultura podrían garantizar la seguridad alimentaria del mundo al 2050
- Diario Gestión Online: La pesca y la acuicultura podrían garantizar la seguridad alimentaria del mundo al 2050
- Undercurrent News: More certified fishmeal, fish oil coming as demand grows
- The Fish Site: COP27 and the case for marine ingredients
- Press Peru: Foreign delegations of IFFO learned about Austral Group's sustainable production processes
- Pesca (Peru): IFFO 2022: Conclusiones clave de la sesión de apertura
- Business Empresarial (Peru): Delegaciones extranjeras de IFFO conocieron procesos productivos sostenibles de Austral Group en Chancay y Pisco
- (Spain): IFFO foreign delegations learned about production processes in Chancay and Pisco
- International Aquafeed:
October 2022:
IntraFish: IFFO boss 'Novel feed ingredients will play vital complimentary role as aquaculture industry grows'
SeafoodSource: Camanchaca sets ambitious feed-conversion goal for 2030
- Delegaciones extranjeras de IFFO conocieron procesos sostenibles de Austral Group
IntraFish: Maersk - Stretched supply chains remain a headache for seafood trade
JC Magazine: Visita de delegación IFFO a plantas pesqueras de Austral Group
eFeedLink: Chile's Camanchaca seeks for lower FCR in salmon operations by 2030
Corresponsables Online: Delegaciones extranjeras de IFFO conocieron procesos productivos sostenibles de Austral Group en Perú
UndercurrentNews: Recap IFFO 2022 from fishmeal hub Peru
The Intrafish: Vitapro - Ecuador shrimp supply explosion shouldn't derail feed sustainability
IntraFish: Chinese port troubles ease, but zero tolerance COVID policy still threatens trade
IntraFish: China strong demand driver for Peru fishmeal giant Tasa, but Ecuador shrimp boom showing promise
SeafoodSource: Ecuador's production, US demand key drivers of global shrimp market
IntraFish: Aquaculture, fishmeal industries anxiously await pivotal Peru anchovy quota announcement
- Ricardo García Holtz analyzed the trends, opportunities and challenges of salmon farming
The Aquaculturalists: IFFO Conference 2022: taking part in the discussions that will shape the future
Aquafeed International: IFFO Conference 2022: taking part in the discussions that will shape the future
- Despachos de exportación de harina y aceite de pescado superarían los US$ 2000 millones
- La harina y aceite de pescado y su relación estratégica con la acuicultura
Diario Correo: We feed Peru and the world by Cayetana Aljovín (OPINION)
UndercurrentNews: IFFO 2022: Chinese demand for omega-3 may pressure supply; Cargill on novel oils
International Aquafeed:
September 2022:
- World Economic Forum: To feed the world sustainably, we need to waste less fish
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Global fishmeal production trending slightly lower in 2022...
- Feed Navigator: Lower Peruvian catches sees drop in overall fishmeal supply globally
- Fish Farmer: Peru quota limits world supply of fishmeal, IFFO says
- Aquafeed: IFFO reports lower fishmeal production in the first seven months of 2022
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- Seafoodsource: The state of the aquaculture feed sector in 2022
- International Aquafeed: What drives the depth of the “footprint” of feeds?
August 2022:
- Aquafeed: Searching for unknown growth factors in fishmeal
- FishfarmingExpert: IFFO highlights the beauty of byproducts
- Aqua Asia Pacific: Food safety under the spotlight of IFFO's 60th Conference
- IpacAcuicultura: Global Food security under the spotlight
- International Aquafeed: Measuring the “footprint” of oils?
- FishFirst: The strategic potential of sustainability in companies
July 2022:
- Intrafish: Rabobank: Fishmeal market finely balanced amid reduced Chinese demand
- Intrafish: Peru's anchovy fleet lands 74% of quota
- FishSite: Marine ingredient leaders welcome latest FAO report
- International aquafeed: Stepping up to drive aquafeed science forwards
- FishFirst: Feed consumption of the Oriental Dragon - China is driving the consumption of marine ingredients
June 2022:
- Seafood Source: IFFO, SFP convene roundtable to improve sustainability of global fishmeal, fish oil sector
- Aquafeed: Addressing food security through the lens of marine ingredients
- Fishfarming magazine: Filling the gap
- Intrafish: Global fishmeal supply forecast nudges lower in 2022
- Fish Farmer: A new take on FIFO
- Salmont expert: How much has the use of marine ingredients for Chilean salmon feed decreased?
- Intrafish: Peru anchovy fishing fleet fishing races against clock to harvest full quota
- International Aquafeed: China’s Role in Driving Marine Ingredient Consumption
- FishFirst: Why is 30 by 30 Pertinent?
May 2022:
- Seafood Source: F3, IFFO dispute availability, affordability, impact of fish-free feed
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: A focus on perpetual improvement
- Fishing Industry News: Q&A. IFFO Director General on Developing the Feed Ingredients Landscape
- IFFO reports lower use of marine raw materials globally
- IFFO Analyzes Marine Ingredients Market Trends During January-March 2022
- Europa Azul: Marine ingredients fall by 6% January to March 2022
- TheFishsite: Latest data shows lower global use of marine raw materials
- Feed & Grain Online: Will sustainable feed command a premium in the future?
- FishFirst: Not all omega3s are equal
- International Aquafeed: Climate Change or Overfishing? Facing Our Future Threats
April 2022:
- Feed Strategy Online: Will sustainable feed command a premium in the future?
- SeafoodSource: Petter Johannessen Q&A: IFFO’s director general on developing the feed ingredients landscape
- Europa-azul: Fishmeal production goes down and oil production goes up
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO's April 2022 update on market trends
- Aquafeed UK: IFFO's April 2022 update on market trends
- The Fish Site: Contrasting fortunes for fishmeal and fish oil
- FeedNavigator: China’s declining fishmeal imports
- SeafoodSource: Global fishmeal production down 11 percent, fish oil up 12 percent through February 2022
- IFFO Report: Update on Marine Ingredient Market Trends
- FiskerForum: The critical role of marine ingredients within blue food
- WeAreAquaculture: IFFO focus on blue food and marine ingredients to promote food security
- Reunión de miembros: IFFO demuestra el papel crítico de los ingredientes marinos dentro de los alimentos azules
- TheAquaculturists: IFFO demonstrates the critical role of marine ingredients within blue food
- Aquafeed : IFFO demonstrates the critical role of marine ingredients within blue food
- Aquafeed International: Marine ingredients maintain a strategic role, but we need additional bulk nutrients for aquaculture growth
- FishFirst:April 2022 column: Marine ingredients have a strategic role, but additional bulk nutrients are required for aquaculture growth
March 2022:
- IFFO joined the Global Feed LCA Institute
- Feednavigator: IFFO joins GFLI: ‘Its LCA approach allows cross-sectoral comparisons across numerous feed materials’
- AquaFeed: IFFO joins the Global Feed LCA Institute as member
- IFFO joins bid for ‘more holistic’ assessment of feed
- Feednavigator: Skretting identifies criteria it will use to source marine ingredients
- Feed and Additive Magazine (United States of America): Nutreco, Skretting raise level of transparency of marine ingredients used in aqua feeds
- Seafoodsource: Nutreco, Skretting release responsible sourcing policy
- International Aquafeed: It is all a master of taste
- Europa-azul: La Mesa redonda mundial sobre ingredientes marinos...
- Seafoodsource: GRMI responds to FAO report critical of African fishmeal sector
- Roundtable on marine ingredients makes recommendations on West Africa
- Ipacuicultura: The fishmeal and fish oil industry, a pillar in Africa's economic transition
- Fishfarming expert: Skretting sets out its rules for sustainable sourcing
- UndercurrentNews: Chinese, Peruvian fishmeal trade surges on strong demand, supply
- IFFO's members Meeting to be held in April Miami
- FishFirst: Changing demands to global fishmeal use
- FeedNavigator: EFSA still has concerns about antioxidants
- International Aquafeed:
February 2022:
- SeafoodSource: Aquaculture’s new sustainability metrics taking hold
- International Aquafeed Magazine: How to capitalize on publicly-funded science?
- Feed & Additive: Fishmeal production up in 2021, fish oil production drops
- Feed Strategy: Fishmeal production up 3.6% in 2021; more growth expected
- Feed Navigator: Career Moves: New hires in the feed industry this month
- All About Feed: Global fishmeal production up, fish oil down
- International Aquafeed: IFFO’s latest report shows increased fishmeal production year on year
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO’s latest report shows increased fishmeal production year on year
- IntraFish: Rising seafood prices pushing up China's demand for fishmeal
- The Fish Site: Latest IFFO figures show fishmeal production increasing 3.6 percent and fish oil production dropping by 6 percent
- MisPeces: Crece la producción de harina 3,6% y cae la de aceite de pesado 6% en 2021
- Revista Industria Alimentaria: Perú, Chile e India han aumentado su producción acumulada de harina de pescado
- Seafoodsource: TASA CEO Gonzalo de Romaña wins term as IFFO president
- fishmeal production increases and fish oil drops in 2021
- Industrias Pesqueras: IFFO anuncia nuevos presidente y vicepresidente para el periodo 2022-2023
- Aquafeed UK: New President and Vice President announced for IFFO
- The Aquaculturists: New President and Vice President announced for IFFO
- Fish Farming Expert: IFFO announces new leaders for 2022-2023
- Ipac.acuicultura: IFFO anuncia al nuevo presidente y vicepresidente para el periodo 2022-2023: Gonzalo de Romaña y Egil Magne Haugstad, respectivamente
- Aquafeed: IFFO elects new management board members for 2022-2023
- Feed Strategy Online: IFFO names president, vice president for 2022-23
- Undercurrent News: IFFO names TASA, Pelagia execs as new leadership pairing
- Fish Farmer Online: IFFO names new leadership team
- Opera News: IFFO names president, vice president for 2022-23
- IFFO anunció nuevo presidente y vicepresidente para el periodo 2022-2023
- Fish Farming Expert: IFFO announces new leaders for 2022-2023
- IFFO elects new management board members
- FishFirst: By-Product Based Fishmeals: Growing the Future of Fishmeal Production
January 2022:
- Asian Poultry magazine: Iffo updates data, explains metrics in marine ingredients
- MisPeces: 2021 was a good year for global fishmeal and fish oil production
- International Aquafeed: Climate change, marine ingredients and a blue food revolution
- Fish Focus: Marine ingredients being used more in aquaculture production cycles
- News2read: Fishmeal and fish oil production up by 6 percent in 2021
- Fishmeal and fish oil up by 6%
- International Aquafeed: IFFO’s analysis on fishmeal and fish oil market trends
- The Aquaculturists: IFFO’s analysis on fishmeal and fish oil market trends
- IFFO: Conozca las métricas de sostenibilidad en ciclos de producción acuícola
- SalmonBusiness: Production of fishmeal and fish oil up by 6% for 2021
- Industrias Pesqueras: Global production of fishmeal and fish oil grew by 6% in the first 11 months of 2021
- Ipac.acuicultura: Total cumulative productions of fishmeal and fish oil in 2021 (January to November) increased by 6% year-on-year
- Feed Navigator: IFFO: 6% hike in fishmeal and fish oil production globally in 2021
- Aquafeed: IFFO’s updated sustainability metrics show marine ingredients being used as strategic ingredients
- Ipac: IFFO: los ingredientes marinos se utilizan, cada vez más, como ingredientes estratégicos en puntos clave de la producción acuícola
- The Fish Site: New data on marine ingredients shows they are being used more strategically and sustainably
- IFFO: Learn about sustainability metrics in aquaculture production cycles
- IndustriasPesqueras: La producción mundial de harina y aceite de pescado creció un 6 % en los 11 primeros meses de 2021
- FishFirst: Climate change and marine ingredients: high nutritional value Combination with low carbon footprint
- Salmon Business: Production of fishmeal and fish oil up by 6% for 2021
December 2021:
- International Aquafeed: Building a waste-free world: the rise of by-products
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Fishmeal, fish oil production higher in 2021...
- Ipacacuicultura: La producción acumulada de harina de pescado en los 10 primeros meses de 2021 aumentó un 5 %
- The Fish Site: Fishmeal production up by 5 percent and fish oil up by 8 percent
- Seafoodsource: IFFO’s Brett Glencross: Maximum sustainable yield strategy best management solution
- Ipacacuicultura: IFFO launches, from December 15, a new series of its webinars "In Focus"
- Nuffoodspectrum Asia: IFFO China webinar addressed a light on the current state of the fishmeal & fish oil industry
- The Fish Site: Chinese encouraged to use marine ingredients more strategically
- POST Online Media: Chinese encouraged to use marine ingredients more strategically
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: IFFO launches new webinar series
- FishFirst: Nucleotides and their role in growth and immune function
November 2021:
- International Aquafeed: Where will our future ingredients come from?
- IntraFish: Guest Commentary: It's time to put 'Blue Food' at the center of the climate negotiating table
- The Fish Site: Don't discount marine ingredients in the pursuit of sustainable aquafeed
- UndercurrentNews: FAO: Adapting fishing sector to climate change ‘can be more than zero-sum game’...
- TheFishSite: Don't discount marine ingredients in the pursuit of sustainable aquafeed
- IntraFish: 'Everyone is getting hurt by this': Will shipping crisis dampen freshly stoked fishmeal market?
- FishFirst: How to value an ingredient – there is more to it than you think…
October 2021:
- Seafood Source: IFFO: Shrimp sector to lead growth in future fishmeal demand
- International Aquafeed: IFFO’s October webinar emphasises the role of the value chain to tackle challenges
- Aquaculture Asia Pacific: How marine ingredients will continue supporting the growth of the aquaculture sector at the IFFO 2021 webinar
- Undercurrent News: IFFO 2021: Peru’s ‘blockbuster’ fishmeal exports; ethoxyquin update
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Chinese pig herd recovery may lift fishmeal demand, but aqua sector dims
- SeafoodSource: UK’s largest processor joins calls for Northeast Atlantic pelagic fisheries to follow scientific advice
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Global fishmeal, fish oil production higher 7%, 12%
- SeafoodSource: IFFO, SFP announce new Global Marine Ingredients Roundtable
- SPF and IFFO launch new Global Marine Ingredients Roundtable
- Ipac: IFFO y Sustainable Fisheries Partnership lanzan una mesa redonda global para mejorar y aumentar la disponibilidad de ingredientes marinos sostenibles
- The Fish Site: Global Marine Ingredients Roundtable hopes to improve sustainability in the aquafeed sector
- Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, IFFO unveil new Global Marine Ingredients Roundtable
- Undercurrent News: IFFO, SFP establish roundtable to promote fishmeal, fish oil sustainability
- IndustriasPesqueras: SFP e IFFO ponen en marcha una mesa sectorial para mejorar la sostenibilidad ambiental y social de las pesquerías de forraje
- Intrafish: Labeyrie, Skretting among buyers threatening to de-camp as decision looms on shared pelagic stocks
- Ipacuicultura: IFFO celebra la próxima semana un seminario web de tres días
- Seafoodsource: Fishmeal, fish oil production up thus far in 2021, IFFO reports
- Aquafeed: IFFO reports increased cumulative production
- TheFishsite: IFFO data reveals that fishmeal and fish oil production increased in 2021
- Mundo Acuícola: Buscan mejorar disponibilidad de ingredientes marinos sostenibles
- The Fish Site: IFFO data reveals that fishmeal and fish oil production increased in 2021
- IndustriasPesqueras: World production of fishmeal and fish oil grows
- FeedNavigator: Fishmeal and fish oil production up in 2021
- mispeces: Crece la producción mundial de harina y aceite de pescado
- Aquafeed: SFP, IFFO unveil new global roundtable on marine ingredients
- Aquafeed: IFFO's webinar emphasized the need for a whole value chain approach
- FishFirst: How to value an ingredient – there is more to it than you think…
September 2021:
- AquaCulture Asia Pacific: Interview: A story of complementarity rather than replacement
- Aquafeed: IFFO reports higher cumulative production of FMFO
- IPAC acuicultura: IFFO: Fishmeal and fish oil productions in the first seven months of 2021 increased, respectively, by 8% and 17%
- TheAquaculturist: IFFO's recent analysis
- FishFarmerMagazine: Blue is the new green
- Pets International: Marine ingredients in pet food
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Are we really optimising our omega3 application? It's all relative
- FishFirst: Understanding Life cycle assessments
August 2021:
- Aquafeed: IFFO release analysis on marine ingredient market trends for June 2021
- Mispeces: Fishmeal and fish oil, strategic ingredients for sustainable aquaculture
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: China’s fishmeal production remains low, driving increased imports
- IntraFish: Why does marine feed ingredient certification keep changing?
- Aquafeed: Fishmeal and fish oil output blazes a trail in recent IFFO analysis
- Aquafeed: Is feed evolution driving us towards new ingredients or into circularity?
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: IFFO: Less raw materials reported on average in June 2021 vs June 2020
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Is feed evolution driving us towards new ingredients or into circularity?
- FishFirst: Ingredient assessment
July 2021:
- Seafood Source: Huge post-COVID gains noted by IFFO in fishmeal, fish oil production
- Undercurrent News: FAO forecasts stable fishmeal supply, prices
- Learn the details of the IFFO seminar in Vietnam
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: IFFO’s Vietnam Webinar focuses on market access and responsible supply
- Seafoodsource: Vietnam emerging as important trading partner for fishmeal, fish oil businesses
- Undercurrentnews: China's fishmeal inventories
- Aquafeed: IFFO's Vietnam webinar
- ipac: Fishmeal and fish oil production increased by 50% as of May 2021
- Global production of fishmeal and fish oil grows
- Undercurrent News: IFFO: Peru performance drives 50% lift in global fishmeal, oil output for May
- Aquafeed: Marine ingredients market growth continues
- ipac: IFFO welcomes the new ASC feed standard
- International Aquafeed Magazine: A feed is only as good as its ingredients
- FishFirst: Byproduct growth
June 2021:
- Mispeces: IFFO CEO claims strategic nutritional role of marine aquaculture ingredients
- Intrafish: IFFO exec: Why are people still talking about replacing fishmeal and fish oil in aquaculture?
- Intrafish: NASF 2021: Collaboration is the new innovation
- Intrafish: IFFO: Why people are still talking about replacing fishmeal and fish oil?
- Undercurrent News: NASF 2021: IFFO: Novel feed ingredients still haven’t proven sustainability
- FishFirst: The hidden value in fishmeals: Biologically active omega-3’s
- MisPeces: IFFO CEO claims strategic nutritional role of marine aquaculture ingredients
- Aqua Culture Asia Pacific: IFFO appoints new technical director
May 2021:
- Mispeces: Improves the production of marine ingredients in the first quarter of the year
- IntraFish: Are alternaives to fishmeal over hyped? (podcast)
- Seafood Source: IFFO reports 30 percent improvement in global fishmeal and fish oil output in March
- Fishmeal and fish oil: Report good performance during 1Q 2021
- WorldFishing and Aquaculture: Collaboration is key
- Undercurrent News: IFFO notes 30% lift in fishmeal, oil output in March
- Seafoodsource: IFFO reports 30 percent improvement in global fishmeal and fish oil output in March
- FishFocus: Big improvement in fishmeal and fish oil output
- Aquafeed: IFFO reports 30% improvement in the fishmeal and fish oil global output
- FeedNavigator: Scoular commissioning fishmeal plant in Myanmar
- Feed Strategy Online: Global fishmeal, fish oil production on upward trend
- Seafoodsource: IFFO appoints Brett Glencross as technical director
- Intrafish: Marine ingredients organization IFFO appoints new technical director
- Aquafeed: IFFO appoints Brett Glencross as new technical director
- Marine Ingredients: IFFO Appoints New Technical Director
- Undercurrent News: IFFO appoints Glencross as technical director
- World Fishing & Aquaculture: IFFO appoints new Technical Director
- Fish Farming: Feed expert Glencross joins IFFO as technical director
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Marine ingredients' role in the food production system
- FishFirst: What might climate change mean for the inter-relationship between fisheries and aquaculture?
April 2021:
- Aquafeed: Sustainability, communication and collaboration are key for the future of aquafeed
- Undercurrent News - Feed sector execs see little threat from aquaculture firms vertically integrating
- Aqua - IFFO Director General: "Collaboration will be vital to ensure sufficient healthy food"
- Seafood Source: IFFO’s Enrico Bachis: Peru’s 2021 anchovy quota more evidence of “very mature” fishmeal market
- Aquafeed: Shrimp and salmon the most talked about topics at IFFO’s April 2021 Webinar
- INFOFISH: IFFO: More Marine Ingredients Essential To Feeding Post-COVID Markets
- Ipacuicultura: Total production of fishmeal and fish oil in January 2021 exceeded that recorded in January 2020
- Worldfishing and aquaculture: Skirting a bottleneck
- Undercurrentnews: IFFO: Renewed interest in feed traceability ‘must be welcomed’
- FishfarmingExpert: ‘Sustain and explain’ message delivered at seafood webinar
- SeafoodSource: IFFO: More marine ingredients essential to feeding post-COVID markets
- FishFirst: SINTEF's view on sustainable feed for a growing aquaculture industry
- International Aquafeed: IFFO's analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- International Aquafeed: The fight against climate change is an opportunity for more collaboration
March 2021
- Intrafish: Without feed partnerships, fishmeal bottleneck threatens aquaculture growth
- Seafoodsource: Global fishmeal, fish oil production higher year-on-year in January
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Global fishmeal supply higher in Q1 on strong landings
- FIS: Total production of fishmeal and fish oil in January 2021
- FishFirst: Seafish's analysis on Brexit and its implications for the seafood industry
- International Aquafeed: Nutrition should remain the cornerstone of strategic thinking
February 2021:
- Seafood Source: Aquafeed production increased 11 percent in 2020, IFFO reports
- IFFO reports increased year-on-year fishmeal production in 2020
- MisPeces: Mayor producción de harina y aceite de pescado en 2020 respecto al año anterior
- FIS: IFFO Analysis of Market Trends: Increased Fishmeal Production in 2020 Compared to 2019
- Infofish: The contribution of marine ingredients to the future of seafood
- FishFirst: 11 years of Reduction Fisheries analyses: an overview from the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP)
January 2021
- FishFarmer Magazine: Food for thought (pp52-55)
- IFFO reports availability of raw materials
- FIS: The Marine Ingredients Organisation, covering IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends from January to November 2020
- WorldFishingandAquaculture: Fishmeal and fish oil production steady
- IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends: January-November 2020
- SeafoodSource: Fishmeal raw material shortage eased in November, but production still down in 2020
- International Aquafeed Magazine: coastal states' responsibilities
- FishFirst: What the loss of MSC certification for Atlanto Scandian herring and blue whiting means
- Intrafish: Analysts: Soaring soybean demand could push up fishmeal prices
December 2020
- IntraFish: The blue whiting and herring fisheries didn't have to lose their MSC certification. Here's what should happen next
- SeafoodSource: IFFO reports increased availability of raw materials for fishmeal
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: 2020 fishmeal, fish oil production slightly down year-on-year
- FIS: IFFO: Improved general availability of raw materials, total production at...
- Nongcai WeChat: IFFO/MarinTrust China webinar
- International Aquafeed: Fish oil, critical qualities
November 2020
- SalmonExpert: "Level of supply of fishmeal and fish oil will continue at 6 million tons / year"
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Fishmeal demand from Chinese swine sector on the rise
- UndercurrentNews: BioMar, Skretting: Marine ingredients won’t totally disappear from salmon feed
- UndercurrentNews: Good fishing in Peru prompts fish oil price slip
- International Aquafeed: Research and innovation
- FishingSoc: Fishfarming
- InTouchIntelligence: IFFO expects big increase in use of fishmeal in pig feed in Asia
- IntraFish: Peru authorizes 2.8 million ton anchovy quota
October 2020
- SeafoodSource: IFFO virtual conference trumpets the importance of value-chain collaborations, sustainable solutions
- The Advocate: Counterpoint: Marine ingredients are stable in volume, strategic in aquaculture nutrition
- FeedNavigator: IFFO expects big increase in use of fishmeal in pig feed in Asia
- SeafoodSource: WTO deal on fishing subsidies could transform global seafood trade
- FIS: IFFO Member Webinar, Day 1: Adaptation is Key to the Future of the Global Food Production System
- IntraFish: Fish oil prices on the rise as demand, production challenges collide
- IntraFish: After a difficult year, will the fishmeal industry find balance in 2021?
- SeafoodSource: Fishmeal availability improving after raw material shortage, IFFO notes
- MisPeces: En los primeros 8 meses del año la producción se harina de pescado se contrajo un 2,5% y la de aceite un 3%
- Industrias Pesqueras: Según el análisis de IFFO, la producción de harina de pescado en el norte de Europa compensa la menor oferta del Cono Sur
- Fishfarming Expert: Slight dip in fishmeal and oil production
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Marine Ingredients, by and for people
September 2020
- SeafoodSource: IFFO’s Johannessen: Use of marine ingredients in aquafeed “will not decline in the foreseeable future”
- SavingSeafood: Use of marine ingredients will not decline
- IntraFish: Opinion: Sustainability always trumps innovation
- Aquafeed: Join free IFFO webinar on marine ingredients sustainability
- IPACacuicultura: IFFO organiza un seminario web para sus miembros cuyo debate central girará en torno a la sostenibilidad
- FIS: Sustainability to lead the debate
- FishFocus: Sustainability to lead the debate at IFFO's webinar
- FIS: January-July 2020: IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends
- MisPeces: La oferta de ingredientes marinos a nivel global está aumentando con China como principal demandante
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Projections for 2029
- FeedStrategy: IFFO launches new website
- PETS International: Marine Ingredients: raising the bar
August 2020
- Fishfarming Expert: New-look IFFO website gives a flavour of marine ingredients industry
- Aquafeed: IFFO unveils new website packed full of new resources
- Feed Compounder: IFFO launch new website
- FIS: IFFO launches its new website
- IntraFish: Replacing marine ingredients in aquaculture feed 'defies logic' says trade group
- SeafoodSource: IFFO report indicates June was big month for marine ingredient production
- Feednavigator: IFFO sees positive trend for global fishmeal output
- Industrias Pesqueras: La producción mundial de harina de pescado se resiente un 7,5 %
- MisPeces: La producción de harina de pescado en junio se mantuvo por encima de la media de la última década
- Aquafeed: High availability of marine ingredients raw materials in June
- FIS: IFFO's analysis of seafood ingredient market trends
- FishfarmingExpert: World production of fishmeal and fish oil decreases by 7%
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Global fishmeal production recovers in June
- Pig66: IFFO: Global fishmeal production rebounded in June
- EuropeaAzul: Fishmeal production drops by 7.5%
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Certification of feed ingredients
July 2020
- The IntraFish: Buoyant fishmeal demand bolsters prices as Peru fulfills anchovy quota
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Food safety and sustainability are two sides of the same medal
June 2020
- FIS: Quality feed means quality food: new considerations can be drawn from the SOFIA report
- Aquaculture species are net producers of fish
- FishFarmingExpert: Salmon farming ‘produces as much fish as it uses’
- MisPeces: IFFO highlights the importance of having quality raw material to have quality feed
- IFFO se refiere al informe SOFIA de la FAO
- The Aquaculturists: Quality feed means quality food
- New considerations from the SOFIA report
- International aquafeed magazine: The circular economy is the way forward
- FIS: IFFO gives marine ingredients market update through first virtual Members Meeting
- FeedNavigator: Chinese pig sector not aquaculture to see fishmeal intake boost this year
- IFFO predicts an increase in 2020 fishmeal and fish oil outputs
- Salmonexpert Chile: eFIFO: Salmonicultura produciría la misma biomasa que consume
- The FishSite: Upturm in fishmeal volume forecasts
- Industrias Pesqueras: IFFO offers an update on the marine ingredients market at its first virtual meeting
- IFFO offers an update of the marine ingredients market through the first virtual meeting of members
- IPAC.acuicultura: IFFO foresees for 2020 a production of fishmeal somewhat higher than in 2019
- Worldfishing and aquaculture: 2020 fishmeal and fish oil production
- FishFirst: The impact of the COVID-19 on global fishmeal trade
- IFFO forecasts a slow recovery in fishmeal production in 2020
- Seafoodsource: Packard Foundation tracks the seafood industry’s sustainability progress in its latest report
- Intrafish: Peru fishing firms in race against clock to land full anchovy quota
May 2020
- IntraFish: Massive unfilled order volumes will weigh on Peruvian fishmeal market
- SalmonExpert: They disclose how much fishmeal and fish oil Chilean salmon uses
- International aquafeed magazine: A positive future
- Frontline of Fisheries: Emerging challenges for marine ingredients - why certification standards are needed
April 2020
- IntraFish: Fishmeal supply, demand outlook clouded as industry sweats on Peru fishing restart
- Weathering the pandemic
- IntraFish: Fishmeal and fish oil prices hold steady in March
- SeafoodSource: Coland Holdings VP predicts flat future aquaculture output in China
- Seafoodsource: New identity for marine ingredients certification program, agenda remains unchanged
- IntraFish: Responsible fishmeal sourcing standard IFFO RS unveils new identity
- UndercurrentNews: Fishmeal, fish oil sustainability standard IFFO RS changes name to Marin Trust
- IFFO RS changes name
- The FishSite: Rebrand for IFFO offshoot
- FishFarmingExpert: IFFO RS rebranded as MarinTrust
- FeedNavigator: Certification program IFFO RS becomes MarinTrust
- Worldfishing: IFFO RS rebrands as MarinTrust
- Aquafeed: Coronavirus pandemic to hit the aquaculture industry hard
- IPAC Aquicultura: IFFO RS, the IFFO Global Standard for Responsible Supply, is now MarinTrust
- AgriTradeNews: New brand for certified fishmeal
- Aquafeed: Fishmeal and fish oil certification changes name
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Environmental impacts of food
- Frontline of fisheries (China): Maggie Xu's opinion piece about upcoming trends in the industry
- Frontline of fisheries (China): Fishmeal and fish oil safety is the cornerstone of ensuring food safety
March 2020
- UndercurrentNews: Role of retailers in aquaculture supply chains
- UndercurrentNews: IFFO: Global fishmeal, fish oil output expected to be higher in 2020
- UndercurrentNews: Chinese fishmeal import surge from Africa
- FishFocus: IFFO to support Fish for Waste project
- International Aquafeed Magazine: The current situation
- Frontline of Fisheries (China): Marine ingredients have a multiplier effect
February 2020
- FishFirst: Is there potential to strengthen the circular economy in Asia?
- Intrafish: Fishmeal prices leap on coronavirus uncertainty, Peruvian anchovy closure
- Intrafish: Fishmeal prices clawing their way back up
- Aquafeed: IFFO and the ITP to trial novel antioxydants for fishmeal
- Medical Xpress: More people and fewer wild fish lead to an omega-3 supply gap
- Ipac.acuicultura: Europe leads the way in the use of by-products for the fishmeal industry
- Frontline of Fisheries (China): The potential of the circular economy in Asia
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Publicity surrounding aquaculture
January 2020
- MisPeces: Anne-Mette Bæk y Gonzalo de Romaña asumen sus cargos en IFFO para el periodo 2020-2021
- FishFarmer magazine: Future bright for natural diets
- GOED newsletter: Looking at the European Green Deal Through the Lens of the Marine Ingredients Industry
- IntraFish: Nervous fishmeal market assesses fallout from early closure of Peru Anchovy season
- IntraFish: Fishmeal suppliers face uncertain future as China chaos spreads
- International Aquafeed Magazine: The management of fishing
December 2019
- IntraFish: Year in review: 2019 saw floods of seafood management shakeups
- InfoFish International: Driving improvements in South East Asian fisheries
- International Aquafeed Magazine: Feeding our growing population
November 2019
- The Fish site: Fresh thoughts on SE Asia's fishmeal fisheries
- SeafoodSource: Challenges in Southeast Asia’s fisheries addressed by IFFO, GAA, and SFP in new reports
- Aqua: SFP, IFFO and GAA work together to address Southeast Asian fisheries challenges
- Undercurrent News: IFFO, GAA announce findings from Southeast Asia fishmeal study
- Seafood News: SFP, IFFO and GAA Team Up to Address Challenges in South East Asia's Fisheries
- Fish Focus: Fish groups collaborate to enhance sustainability in South East Asia
- FiskerForum: SFP, IFFO and GAA to collaborate
- Aquaculture directory: Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), IFFO and GAA to collaborate to help address the challenges in South East Asia's fisheries
- Asia Pacific Fish Watch: Comprehensive report by Duncan Leadbitter (Fish Matter); essential information on SEA fisheries, esp Vietnam, Thailand
- FIS: SFP, IFFO and GAA will work together to help address the challenges
- FarmBusiness: Women in Food and Agriculture line-up announced
- African farming: Global agribusiness and food companies to be present in Amsterdam summit
- Undercurrent News: IFFO Shanghai: blog - 15 articles
- Undercurrent news: Editor's recap
- The Fish site: Reduction fisheries play a positive role in reaching SDGs
- FishFirst (China): IFFO Shanghai
- IntraFish: Marine Ingredients Organization IFFO announces venue for 2020
- FishFarming Expert: Alternative feed ingredients won't replace fishmeal
- MisPeces: IFFO Conference focuses on the need to better communicate the value of marine ingredients for world food
- Aqua Chile: China: National Fisheries Society participated in IFFO Annual Conference
- Aqua Chile: A woman to assume the presidency of the International Organization for FishMeal and Oil
- Salmon Expert Chile: New President at Fishmeal and fish oil trade body
- Salmon Expert Chile: Interview with Anne Mete Baek
- Salmon Expert Chile: IFFO busca que 100% de su harina y aceite de pescado esté certificado
- Industrias pesqueras: Anne Mette And Gonzalo de Romana, new president and vice-president of IFFO
- FiskerForum: IFFO announces incoming President and Vice President
- SeafoodSource: IFFO elects Anne Mette Bæk president, Gonzalo de Romaña vice president
- MisPeces: IFFO renews its positions as President and Vice President for the period 2020-2021
- Fishfarmig expert: Baek takes over at IFFO
- Fish focus: New President and vice president for IFFO
- FIS: IN BREVE - IFFO announces the incoming President and Vice President for the period
- Aquafeed US: IFFO announces incoming President and Vice President for 2020-2021
- Trujillo enlinea Peru: Peru's Gonzalo de Romana elected vice president of IFFO
- Peru informa: Peru's Gonzalo de Romagna elected vice president of IFFO
- International Aquafeed Magazine: The fishmeal industry at large
Undercurrent News: IFFO announce new presidential team for 2020-21
October 2019
- FIS: IFFO's annual conference to communicate the marine ingredients industry's position
- FishUpdate: IFFO focuses on increased collaboration
- Aquaculture directory: IFFO's annual conference to communicate the marine ingredients industry's position as a vital part of the food production system
- Aquafeed: Register for the 59th IFFO annual conference
- FeedNavigator: Feed makers, retailers react after claims of irresponsible fishmeal and fish oil sourcing
- Salmon farmer: Excessive substitution of marine ingredients is not advisable
- International Aquafeed magazine: You are what you eat
September 2019
- SeafoodSource: IFFO head: Aquaculture growth portends bright future for marine ingredients industry
- Global reporting centre: The fish you don't know you eat
- Aquademia Podcast - Why fish feed growth is essential
- Mother Nature Network - Why we must protect the ocean's 'twilight zone'
- SeafoodSource - GAA: Chinese seafood firms keen to use certifications as conduit to new markets
- IntraFish - GAA Chief sees new opportunities emerging for the sector
- International Aquafeed Magazine - Zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids
August 2019
- Undercurrent News - Aquaculture sector mulls impact of potential EU ban on ethoxyquin
- IntraFish - Algae, insects, single-cell proteins: Alternative ingredients are all the rage, but at what cost?
- The Advocate - With byproducts, getting more from – and for – fish
- The Fish Site - CP Foods India to join sustainable fishmeal standard
- International Aquafeed - Byproduct utilization
Undercurrent News - CP Foods’ India unit to join IFFO RS improver program
July 2019
- IntraFish - Execs say alternative feeds are still far from commercial success
- International Aquafeed Magazine - Sharing the load
Fish Focus - Success for Panamanian small pelagics FIPs
June 2019
- WattAGNet - Continued growth in aquaculture drives enthusiasm, innovation in aquafeed
- The Conversation - Yahoo UK - Farmed salmon is now a staple in diets – but what they eat matters too
- IntraFish - Starting with the fishermen
- Undercurrent news - IFFO RS sees growing support for multispecies FIP among Thai fishers
- Undercurrent news - IFFO RS applauds efforts made by Thailand, Vietnam towards FIPs targets
- The Fish site - Reduction fisheries raise their game
- The Fish site - IFFO and IFFO RS provide aid to fisheries
- SeafoodSource - IFFO RS focuses on providing assistance to Southeast Asian fisheries at SWSS19
- AEC News today - IFFO, GAA back improvements to Southeast Asia's fishmeal fisheries
- The Aquaculturists - The growth of aquafeed
- International Aquafeed magazine - Neil Auchterlonie's monthly column
May 2019
- Sustainable Fisheries Partnership - New report highlights challenges and opportunitiesin Southeast Asian fishmeal
- Benison Media - Driving change in South East Asian fisheries and fishmeal supply
- Undercurrent News - IFFO, GAA back improvements to Southeast Asia's fishmeal fisheries
- Undercurrent News -Panama small pelagic FIP pioneering new IFFO standard
- Sefood Source: Panamanian small pelagics fishery enters next phase of IFFO RS Improver Program
- Undercurrent News - Zhuhai show: Chinese fishmeal production in decline, imports set to grow
- Feed Navigator - Scoping exercise could drive change in South East Asian fisheries and fishmeal supply
- Worldfishing - Improving best practice in SE Asia
- Undercurrent news - Fishmeal price outlook relatively stable
- IntraFish - Fishmeal prices jump 10% ahead of anchovy quota cut
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
April 2019
- Seafood Source - First study of Southeast Asian fishmeal industry shows path to sustainability
- The Fish site - A fresh perspective on fishmeal sources
- Undercurrent News - IFFO, GAA back improvements to Southeast Asia's fishmeal fisheries
- IntraFish - GAA - IFFO backed study finds promise in South East Asian fishmeal transformation
- The Advocate - IFFO, GAA urge Asian trawl fisheries to improve stocks, product quality
- FIS - First overarching study for South East Asian fishmeal industry
- Aquaculture directory - First overarching study for South-East Asian fishmeal industry provides recommendations
- Aquafeed - IFFO and GAA's report on how to improve Southeast Asian fishmeal's fisheries
- Fish Focus - Utilising Fish waste - a huge challenge
- The Fish Site - IFFO counters "inaccurate" reduction fishery report
- EfeedLink - FMFO industry defends harvesting of fish from the wild for fishmeal
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
March 2019
- Intrafish - IFFO: It's "shortsighted" to remove fishmeal entirely from feed
- Pets International - Salmon meal and oil in pet food: healthy and sustainable
- Seafood News - INSIGHT: Fishmeal Producers Need to Capitalise on 'Point-of-Difference' Factors
- Fish Farmer - "Sustainable source"
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
February 2019
- Intrafish - There may be genuine market reasons why peruvian anchovy was misused as fishmeal
- International Aquafeed - Montly column - Neil Auchterlonie
January 2019
- Undercurrent News - Four firms in for ‘fish-free’ fish oil race
- Feedstuffs - CP Foods encourages suppliers to adopt IFFO RS standard
- The Fish Site - A 45-year perspective on aquafeeds
- Undercurrent News - Fishmeal market turns bearish on good production, ASF, high China stocks
- International Aquafeed - Monthly column - Neil Auchterlonie
December 2018
- Feed Navigator - IFFO and IFFO RS welcome expansion of sustainability standard across marine and plant ingredients
- Fish Farmer - Diet Database - Neil Auchterlonie
- Feed Navigator - EFSA updates on timeline for ethoxyquin risk assessment
- Intrafish - Cautious Chinese buyers push fishmeal prices up 10%
- International Aquafeed - Asking the tough questions to ensure a prosperous future for marine ingredients
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
November 2018
- Seafood Intelligence - IFFO’s Annual Conference features high level panel and the EU commission
- Undercurrent News - Aker Biomarine’s new $118m vessel set for next Antarctic krill fishing season
- Undercurrent News - Fishmeal, oil prices stable after Peru quota hits market sweet spot
- Undercurrent News - Blog - IFFO conference: China feed output up; EU fishmeal exports down - 21 articles
- Feedinfo - Fishmeal and Fish Oil Will Continue to Be of Value in Aqua Feeds - IFFO
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
October 2018
- Aquafeed - IFFO conference closes with calls to improve communication and stakeholder engagement
- Undercurrent News - Fishmeal industry optimistic on upcoming Peruvian anchovy season
- Undercurrent News - Norwegian firm backs US FDA call for testing after discovery of adulterated krill oil
- Aquafeed - IFFO’s annual conference kicks off with high level panel
- Seafood Source - Lerøy, Auchterlonie address Ethoxyquin use in fishmeal production at IFFO conference
- Fish Farmer - Fishmeal ‘myths’ to be questioned in Rome
- Aquaculture North America - Adapt and innovate, marine ingredients industry told
- FIS - IFFO’s Annual Conference features high level panel and the EU commission
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
September 2018
August 2018
- Undercurrent News - US fishmeal producers left exposed by China’s 25% tariff blow
- Undercurrent News - US fishmeal producers left exposed by China’s 25% tariff blow
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
July 2018
- Intrafish - Industry fears potential EU ban on fish oil imports from Peru
- Aquaculture North America - Think before you eat
- Undercurrent News - Peruvian fish oil producers ask for time to adapt to new processing rules
- Aquafeed - IFFO hosts side event on aquatic feed and sustainable aquaculture at FAO Fisheries conference
- FIS - Aquaculture industry stakeholders communicate vital role in global food security at FAO event
- Seafood Intelligence - IFFO-HOSTED SIDE EVENT AT COFI 33
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
June 2018
- Feed Navigator - Fish feed expert swaps Cargill role for top IFFO post
- misPeces - Roma acogerá en octubre la 58ª Conferencia Anual de IFFO, enfocada a destacar el papel de los ingredientes marinos en acuicultura
- misPeces - Petter Martin Johannssen, nombrado director general de IFFO
- Fish farmer - New man at the top of IFFO’s food chain
- Aquaculture North America - IFFO names new director general
- The Fish Site - Rome to host marine ingredients summit
- Intrafish - IFFO names Cargill Aqua exec as new director
- Salmon expert - IFFO nombra a nuevo director general
- Aquafeed - Petter Martin Johannessen appointed as new Director General of IFFO
- The Fish Site - New head for fishmeal body
- Intrafish - Nordmann ny toppsjef i IFFO
- Aquafeed - IFFO’s Annual Conference to analyze the role of marine ingredients
- Fish Update - Cargill executive to head IFFO
- Seafood News - IFFO Annual Conference to Focus on Role of Marine Ingredients in Feed
- FIS - Marine ingredients role to be discussed by international experts
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
May 2018
- Intrafish - Go inside the 2018 IntraFish NYC Seafood Investor Forum
- Aquafeed - IFFO releases annual report showcasing focus on data and scientific evidence
- FIS - IFFO highlights marine ingredients’ strategic and vital role
- Seafood Source - Breakthrough in omega-3 understanding could revolutionize feed industry
- Aquahoy - New Annual Report shows IFFO’s focus on data and scientific evidence
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
April 2018
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
- Pets International - Purple Guide - Fishmeal and fish oil in pet food
March 2018
- Undercurrent News - Fish oil prices jump up, following difficult anchovy season in Peru
- International Aquafeed - Monthly Column - Neil Auchterlonie
February 2018
- Undercurrent News - Initial work completed on GAA, IFFO fishmeal project in SE Asia
- Aquaculture Directory - Update on GAA and IFFO’s South East Asia Fishmeal project
- The Fish Site - South East Asian fishmeal project gains momentum
- Undercurrent News - Salmon by-products could generate £23m extra for Scottish industry
- Seafood News - GAA, IFFO Provide Update on South East Asia Fishmeal Project
- Intrafish - GAA, IFFO fishmeal sourcing project gains momentum
- Aquafeed - GAA and IFFO’s South East Asia Fishmeal project completes initial data collection
- The Fish Site - Don’t bypass the value of aquaculture by-products
- Aquaculture Directory - Research reveals huge potential in increasing food production
- Aquafeed - Study finds strategic use of salmon by-products can add value and sustainability to industry
- Seafood News - GAA Executive Director Wally Stevens Transitioning Out of Role for Andrew Mallison
- FIS - Better use of by-products culd increase value of Scottish salmon industry
- Undercurrent News - IFFO’s Mallison to replace Stevens at GAA
- Fish Update - New Global role for IFFO director
- Fish Update - Salmon by-products could add more value
- Fish Farming Expert - By-products industry missing out on millions
- FeedNavigator - Protix is launching the first insect fed salmon brand
- Aquafeed - IFFO’s Andrew Mallison responds to National Geographic article
- Aquaculture Directory - IFFO’s Andrew Mallison responds to National Geographic article
- Fish Update - Insects ‘no replacement for marine diet’
- World Fishing & Aquaculture - Insect feed article criticised by IFFO
- SeafoodSource - IFFO responds to “unjustified and damaging” criticism of aquaculture’s fishmeal, fish oil use
- SeafoodNews - IFFO Takes Issue with National Geographic Article Lauding Insects as Fish Food
- The Fish Site - Insect meal in aquafeed: claims questioned
- FIS - IFFO responds to National Geographic article
- UndercurrentNews - IFFO responds to ‘damaging’ National Geographic article
January 2018
- Undercurrent News - ‘Critical’ Peruvian anchovy situation might lead to tight fishmeal market in 2018
- Intrafish - Price Tracker - Skipjack tuna down, fishmeal up
- Intrafish - Seafood all-stars shift traceability task force into high gear
- Fish farmer January edition - article by Neil Auchterlonie
- World Fishing & Aquaculture - Aller Aqua and American Seafoods success at IFFO Awards
- Aquaculture Directory - IFFO announces incoming President and Vice President
- Seafood News - IFFO Announces Incoming President And Full Management Board For 2018
- WattAgNet - IFFO names new president, vice president
- Aquafeed - IFFO-announces-incoming-President-and-Vice-President
- World Fishing - Aller Aqua and American Seafoods success at IFFO Awards
- World Fishing - New president and vice president for IFFO
- Intrafish - Fishmeal, oil prices in October
- Feed Navigator - Suppliers told to create a new 'language' around fishmeal
- Intrafish - Peruvian anchovy TAC not expected to cause massive market shifts
- Undercurrent News - Chile’s Goycoolea to lead IFFO board
- Undercurrent News - China’s 2017 fishmeal imports surge, though inventories currently falling
- Undercurrent News - Chinese fishmeal prices hit year-high after Peruvian anchovy quota cut
- Fish Site - New head for fishmeal body
- Aquafeed - IFFO announces incoming President and Vice President
- World Fishing - Aller Aqua and American Seafoods success at IFFO Awards
- AllAboutfeed - Aquaculture: More protein from less marine ingredients
- Aquaculture Directory - IFFO announces finalists for 2017 Leadership and Innovation awards
- Aquaculture Directory - Aller Aqua and American Seafoods are triumphant at IFFO Awards as the 57th Annual Conference comes to a close
- Aquafeed - Aller Aqua and American Seafoods win IFFO Awards
- Aquafeed - UK - IFFO states fishmeal will continue to use more trimmings
- Aquafeed - Updated FIFO calculation by IFFO shows more salmonids produced than fish consumed in 2015
- Aquafeed - IFFO announces finalists for 2017 Leadership and Innovation awards
- Aquafeed - IFFO statement on F3 Challenge
- Aquafeed - New IFFO and SNP factsheet on Peruvian anchovy
- Aquaculture North America - Dispute takes spotlight away from Fish-Free Challenge winner
- Aquaculture North America - Record low for fish-in/fish-out ratio
- Feed Navigator - Record low FIFO ratio for salmonids: IFFO
- Feed Navigator - Fishmeal and oil offer more than ‘interchangeable’ proteins and oils: IFFO
- Feed Navigator - IFFO says it wants to communicate 'positive' stories to consumers
- Feed Navigator - IFFO: Chinese Fshmeal imports see a boost
- Feed Navigator - 'How do we get the science under the noses of the people who really matter in terms of making a change?'
- FIS - IFFO questions 'misinformation' promoted by Fish Free Feed challenge
- FIS - Updated FIFO calculation by IFFO shows more salmonids produced than fish consumed in 2015
- FIS - Why is Peruvian anchovy used for feed and not as food?
- Fish Farming Expert - Fish in: fish out record for salmon farming
- Fish Farming Expert - IFFO hits back over feed contest’s ‘misinformation’
- Fish Update - Fish-free feed contest sparks row
- Fish Update - New low for salmon fish in/fish out ratio
- Intrafish - GOAL Blog
- Intrafish - Algal feed firms ramp up production as fish oil prices climb
- Intrafish - IFFO names Chilean veteran new president
- Intrafish - Updated FIFO shows more salmonids produced than fish consumed in 2015
- Intrafish - GOAL 2017: Recap on all the news from the event
- Mispeces - Desmitificando el Fish In Fish Out de la acuicultura. Con 1 kg de pescado silvestre se obtienen 4,5 de acuicultura
- Seafood News - IFFO Accuses F3 Fish Free Feed Challenge Organizers of Making Misleading, False Statements
- Seafood News - IFFO Releases Fact Sheet Explaining Reason Peruvian Anchovy Is Used In Fishmeal, Fish Oil
- Seafood Source - Debate grows heated at GOAL aquafeed sustainability panel
- Seafood Source - Latest FIFO calculation: More salmonids produced than fish consumed
- The Fish Site - Fishmeal-free info deemed misleading and misguided
- Undercurrent News - GAA, IFFO target consumers to take on rampant illegal Chinese fishing activity
- Undercurrent News - IFFO: Fishmeal will continue to use more trimmings
- Undercurrent News - IFFO: Salmon farming fish-in-fish-out ratio falls below one in 2015
- Undercurrent News - Salmon farmer Loch Duart won’t budge on use of marine ingredients in feed
- Undercurrent News - NFI’s Connelly: Seafood industry should’ve seen Trump trade storm coming
- Undercurrent News - Might GE canola, algae help mind omega-3 ‘supply gap’?
- Fish Update - Focus on global trade at Russian show
- The Aquaculturists - IFFO's Andrew Mallison takes part in Russia's International Fisheries Forum and Expo
- Intrafish - IFFO: Concerns over future fishmeal availability 'misplaced'
- Aquaculture North America - IFFO blasts report linking antibiotic resistance to fishmeal
- TASS - The Russian News Agency - Global Fishery Forum addresses fishing issues in the context of globaliszation
- FIS - IFFO letter to the Economist reveals the dangers of misreporting science
- FIS - IFFO response: antibiotic resistant genes found in fishmeal
- Intrafish - IFFO challenges report linking fishmeal and antibiotic genes
- Feednavigator - IFFO picks holes in paper linking fishmeal and antibiotic resistence
- UndercurrentNews - IFFO questions sampling used in study on antibiotic-resistant genes in fishmeal
- Fish Farming Expert - IFFO questions antibiotic-resistant fishmeal claims
- Fish Update - IFFO defends fishmeal integrity
- SeafoodNews - IFFO Responds to Report that Antibiotic Resistant Genes Found in Fishmeal
- SeafoodSource - Antibiotic resistance gene fears in fishmeal unfounded, says IFFO
- Aquafeed - IFFO responds to allegations that fish food is a vector for antibiotic resistance
- Global Aquaculture Alliance - IFFO: Future contributions of marine ingredients in aquafeeds
- Aquafeed - IFFO Director to participate in Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo in Russia
- Aquaculture Directory - Speakers are confirmed for the IFFO Annual Conference
- Intrafish - IFFO announces conference line-up
- Intrafish - CP Foods, others team on Indian Ocean FIP
- The Fish Site - IFFO conference: speakers revealed
- Intrafish - EU ethoxyquin suspension alarms fish feed producers
- Aquafeed - Speakers confirmed for IFFO conference
- Feed Navigator – What factors play a role in analysing forage fish fishing regulation?
- Feed Navigator – IFFO RS looks to make new fishmeal and fish oil sourcing standard fit for purpose
- The Fish Site - Marine ingredients standard adapts to meet a changing world
- Seafood News - Fish Oil Group Launches Improved Standard in Marine Ingredient Industry
- World Fishing - IFFO RS upgrades standard
- Undercurrent News - IFFO RS launches standards version 2.0
- Ethoxyquin authorization suspended in the EU – are there viable alternatives?
- The Fish Site - Are alternatives to fish oil really more sustainable?
- Undercurrent News - IFFO rejects implications by DSM, Evonik that fish oil is unsustainable
- Intrafish – IFFO calls out omega-3 JV for ‘inaccurate’ information
- Intrafish - SeaWeb Seafood Summit Blog
- Feed Navigator – What are the constraints to responsible fishmeal production in SE Asia
- Undercurrent News - GAA, IFFO join forces to improve responsible fishmeal supplies in Southeast Asia
- Aquaculture Directory - GAA and IFFO join forces to improve responsible fishmeal supplies in SE Asia
- Seafood News - GAA, IFFO Team Up to Improve Responsible Fishmeal Supplies in SE Asia
- World Fishing - GAA and IFFO to tackle SE Asia fishmeal supplies
- Fish Farming Expert - GAA and IFFO to scrutinise Asian fishmeal fisheries
- FIS - GAA and IFFO seek to boost responsible fishmeal supply in South East Asia
- The Fish Site – Project to boost sustainability of SE Asian aquafeeds
- Aquafeed - IFFO response to presentation on algae joint venture
- Aquafeed - GAA and IFFO join forces to improve responsible fishmeal supplies in SE Asia
- China Feed Online - Peruvian fishmeal prices stable as anchovy catches pass 70% of TAC
- Undercurrent News - China fishing ban, seasonal demand peak fail to support domestic fishmeal prices
- Pulso - ¿Tocó piso? Harina de pescado cae a menor nivel desde 2012 en medio de repunte de la producción
- Undercurrent News - European pelagic catches up 60%
- Undercurrent News – Peruvian fishmeal prices stable as anchovy catches pass 70% of TAC
- Ipacuicultura - GAA e IFFO se unen para mejorar el suministro de harina de pescado responsable en el sudeste asiático
- Mundo Empresarial - GAA e IFFO se unen para mejorar suministros de harina de pescado
- Aqua - Unen esfuerzos para mejorar los suministros de harina de pescado sustentable en Asia
- Worldfishing - IFFO publishes first annual report
- Undercurrent News - IFFO: Marine ingredients production uses nearly 20m metric tons of fish annually
- The Fish Site - 15 million tonnes of unfulfilled feed potential
- Aquaculture Directory - IFFO publishes its first Annual Report
- FeedInfo - Good Management to Ensure Steady Supply of Fishmeal—But Demand Just Keeps Rising
- Fish Update - Potential for by-product in feed
- Fish Update – Stirling event draws sector stars
- Andina - Industria pesquera peruana encaminada a recuperar mercados perdidos
- Aquafeed - IFFO publishes its first Annual Report
- Aquafeed - Study finds predators may be less affected by catch of small fish than previously thought
- Intrafish – With fishmeal production back on track, Peru expects to regain market share
- CNP - Mejor uso de subproductos incrementaría producción de harina de pescado
- Ipacuicultura - IFFO publica su primer Informe Anual
- Msicpeces - IFFO recoge en un informe las posibilidades de aumentar la producción de harina y aceite de pescado mundial
- FT - Fisheries challenged by rising cost of fish oil in feed
- The Fish Site - Endorsement for forage fisheries
- Seafood News - Hilborn Study Redefines Forage Fish and Predator Relationships; Suggests Fishing Pressure Lesser Factor
- FIS - Forage species catch may have lower effect on predators
- Undercurrent News - Hilborn-led study: Predators less affected by catch of prey fish than thought
- Military Technologies - Predators may be less affected by catch of small fish than previously thought, new study says
- Digital Journal - Predators may be less affected by catch of small fish than previously thought, new study says
- PETS International - Fishmeal and fish oil in pet food
- Andina - Ministro Giuffra busca consolidar sector pesquero peruano en el mercado
- Undercurrent News - Peru’s new anchovy quota might depress the market
- Undercurrent News - Chilean pelagic landings leap to highest level in years
- Undercurrent News - IFFO: Global fishmeal output to surpass 5m metric tons in 2017
- Intrafish – North Atlantic Seafood Forum: Recap on all the news from the event
- FIS - IFFO welcomes Peruvian anchovy fishery launch of FIP
- FIS - IFFO da la bienvenida al lanzamiento de la pesquería de anchoa peruana de FIP
- Mispecies - Experto en Mercados de IFFO prevé mejoras en la producción de harina y aceite de pescado en 2017
- Undercurrent News - Feed producers Skretting, Cargill welcome Peruvian anchovy FIP
- Intrafish – The marine ingredients industry is not holding back aquaculture
- Intrafish – Feed alternatives should be ‘as well as’ not ‘instead of’
- Intrafish – Feed alternatives – balancing the industry’s approach to sustainable feed
- Intrafish – Feed alternatives – the trouble with fishmeal
- FeedNavigator – Focus on fisheries management not FFDR, says marine ingredients industry group
- Undercurrent News - IFFO hits back at negative fishmeal, aquaculture coverage
- FIS - IFFO clarifies some issues regarding marine ingredients
- Milling and Grain - The benefits of fishmeal and fish oil in swine and poultry diets
- Aquafeed - IFFO responds to recent press on the marine ingredients industry
- Intrafish – IFFO cautions evaluating fish dependency ratio in aquaculture assessments
- Undercurrent News - Issues with FFDR in assessing aquaculture, says IFFO
- World Fishing - IFFO position on forage fish dependency ratio
- Seafood Source - IFFO Explains the Forage Fish Dependency Ratio and its Impact on Responsible Aquaculture
- Aqua cl – IFFO aclara uso del indicador FFDR en acuicultura
- Aqua Directory - Issues with FFDR in Assessing Aquaculture
- FIS - IFFO clarifies FFDR's relationship with sustainable aquaculture
- Fish Update - Forage fish ‘valid’ in aquafeed
- Mscipeces - IFFO pide no confundir el papel de la harina y aceite de pescado en la alimentación humana
- Fish Farmer – Marine Ingredients and their contribution to global aquatic animal protein supply
- Aquafeed - IFFO position on FFDR in assessing aquaculture
- Undercurrent News - Peru fishmeal prices drop to $1,750/t level amid slow trade
- Fish Farmer Magazine – Balanced Diet