A continuación se muestra una colección de los últimos estudios y documentos relevantes para la industria de ingredientes marinos. Los enlaces a los estudios de IFFO le llevarán a las páginas del proyecto.
Impacto medioambiental
- FAO: Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture (2018)
- IFFO: When does fishing forage species affect their predators? (2017)
- IFFO: The sustainability of plant ingredients as fishmeal substitutes (2019)
- IFFO: The rise of aquaculture by-products: Increasing food production, value, and sustainability through strategic utilization (2018)
- IFFO (2020): A more sophisticated way of looking at FIFO (Fish-In:Fish Out) ratios
- SINTEF: Greenhouse gas emissions of Norwegian seafood products in 2017 (2017)
- SINTEF (2017): MEESO
- Michael J. MacLeod, Mohammad R Hasan, David Robb and al: Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from global aquaculture
- Dewald Oosthuizen and al: Solar thermal process heat in fishmeal production: Prospects for two South African fishmeal factories
- CEA consulting: Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects
- University of British Columbia: Study: Ocean fish farming in tropics and sub-tropics most impacted by climate change
- Ray Hilborn and al.: Effective fisheries management instrumental in improving fish stock status
- Nordic council of ministers: Global fisheries catches can be increased after rebuilding of fish populations: Project: Ecosystem Based FMSY Values in Fisheries Management
- University of Warwick: Distribution of plastic polymer types in the marine environment; A meta-analysis (2019)
- University of Tasmania: Microplastic contamination in east Antarctic sea ice (2020)
- Duarte et al. - Rebuilding marine life (2020)
- University of Utrecht and al.: Fish as feed: Using economic allocation to quantify the Fish In : Fish Out ratio of major fed aquaculture species (2020)
- Michael C. Melnychuk, Hiroyuki Kurota, Ray Hilborn and al.: Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries (2021)
Alimento y Nutrición
- CEA consulting: Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects (2020)
- CEA consulting: Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects (2015)
- Nordic council of ministers: Global fisheries catches can be increased after rebuilding of fish populations: Project: Ecosystem Based FMSY Values in Fisheries Management (2019)
- Ray Hilborn: Measuring fisheries management performance (2020)
- Michael C. Melnychuk, Hiroyuki Kurota, Ray Hilborn and al.: Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries (2021)
- Max Mossler: Fishery management is composed of small, concrete actions (2021)
- Ray Hilborn: The trade-off between biodiversity and sustainable fish harvest with area-based management (2020)
Feed & nutrition
- NOFIMA (2020): The barrier tissue of salmon is affected by zinc and omega-3
- IFFO (2020): A more sophisticated way of looking at Fish-In:Fish Out ratios
- University of Utrecht and al.: Fish as feed: Using economic allocation to quantify the Fish In : Fish Out ratio of major fed aquaculture species (2020)
Nutrición humana
- Helen A Hamilton, Richard Newton and al: Systems approach to quantify the global omega-3 fatty acid cycle (2020)
- Elisabeth K Lund: Health benefits of seafood; Is it just the fatty acids? (2013)
- Beveridge, Thilsted, Phillips and al: Meeting the food and nutrition needs of the poor: the role of fish and the opportunities and challenges emerging from the rise of aquaculture (2013)
- Ben Belton, Dave Little and al: Fish farms are helping to fight hunger (2018)
Harina de pescado
- Elisabeth K Lund: Health benefits of seafood; Is it just the fatty acids? (2013)
- Beveridge, Thilsted, Phillips and al: Meeting the food and nutrition needs of the poor: the role of fish and the opportunities and challenges emerging from the rise of aquaculture (2013)
Cadena de custodia / Suministro responsable
- IFFO & GAA: Driving change in South East Asian trawl fisheries, fishmeal supply, and aquafeed (2019)
- CEA consulting: Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects
Planta y materias primas adiccionales
- IFFO: The sustainability of plant ingredients as fishmeal substitutes (2019)
- The Food and Land use Coalition: The Global Consultation Report of the Food and Land Use Coalition (2019)