Studies of interest: Fisheries Management

Title & link Author Date

Small pelagic fish: new frontiers in science and sustainable management

Christopher N Rooper et al. 2024
Good fisheries management is good carbon management Andersen, N.F., Cavan, E.L., Cheung, W.W.L. et al. 2024

The role of certification standards in supporting improved fisheries management for small pelagics in Mauritania: An example to follow in the North West African zone?

Cheikh Baye Braham et al 2024
Northeast Atlantic Pelagic Fisheries – Management Challenges for Straddling Fish Stocks MSC and ABPmer 2023
Recent trends in abundance and fishing pressure of agency‐assessed small pelagic fish stocks. Fish and Fisheries Hilborn, R., Buratti, C. C., Díaz Acuña, E., Hively, D., Kolding, J., Kurota, H., ... & Melnychuk, M. C. 2022

Fishery Improvement Projects Database (FIP-DB)

Hilborn lab at the University of Washington (UW) and Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) 2022
Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries  Michael C. Melnychuk, Hiroyuki Kurota, Ray Hilborn and al. 2021

Area-based management of blue water fisheries: Current knowledge and research needs

Ray Hilborn 2021
Fishery management is composed of small, concrete actions  Max Mossler 2021
Assessing the population-level conservation effects of marine protected areas  Ovando, Caselle, Costello, Deschenes, Gaines, Hilborn, Liu 2021
Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects  CEA consulting 2020

Effective fisheries management instrumental in improving fish stock status

Ray Hilborn 2020

Measuring fisheries management performance

Ray Hilborn 2020
The trade-off between biodiversity and sustainable fish harvest with area-based management  Ray Hilborn 2020
 Global fisheries catches can be increased after rebuilding of fish populations: Project: Ecosystem Based FMSY Values in Fisheries Management  Nordic council of ministers 2019

Fishery improvement projects: Performance over the past decade

James Cannon et al. 2018
Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects  CEA consulting 2015