Title & link Author Date Future Feeds: Suggested Guidelines for Sustainable Development Albert GJ Tacon and al 2021 Temporal variations in the nutrient content of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 2005–2020 Moxness Reksten, Tri Hoa, JakobNøstbakken 2021 Nutritional Characterisation of European Aquaculture Processing By-Products to Facilitate Strategic Utilisation Wesley Malcorps*, Richard W. Newton, Matthew Sprague, Brett D. Glencross and David C. Little 2021 用更复杂的方式解读鱼类投入产出比 IFFO 2020 Fish as feed: Using economic allocation to quantify the Fish In : Fish Out ratio of major fed aquaculture species University of Utrecht et al. 2020 Micronutrient supplementation affects transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of lipid metabolism in a dose-dependent manner Takaya Saito et al. 2020 The barrier tissue of salmon is affected by zinc and omega-3 NOFIMA 2019 PROJECT TO MODEL THE USE OF FISHERIES BY-PRODUCTS IN THE PRODUCTION OF MARINE INGREDIENTS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS EPA AND DHA IFFO 2016 Health benefits of seafood; Is it just the fatty acids? Elisabeth K Lund: 2013 Meeting the food and nutrition needs of the poor: the role of fish and the opportunities and challenges emerging from the rise of aquaculture Beveridge, Thilsted, Phillips et al 2013