EXAMPLE Event 19th - 21st April 2020


Registration Deadline 星期五 17 四月
Early Bird Registration 星期五 28 二月

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IFFO Members' Webinar

Due to the current pandemic and not being able to meet up in person, IFFO has made changes to how we are holding events which temporarily have become virtual.  We hope you will join us online for upcoming events. 

The next IFFO Members’ Webinar will consist of four sessions taking place on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 April 2021commencing at 2pm each day.  All sessions are based upon UK times.  Please add these dates to your diaries.

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Welcome from our Director General

When we launched our first October Webinar a year ago, we never envisaged that, like many of you, we would still be grounded at home due to Covid 19.  Despite the restrictions, the marine ingredient sector has continued being a key contributor to the global food system.  The IFFO team has adjusted its way of working and webinars are now regularly offered to our members with contributions from across the globe.

Our 2021 October Webinar will be an expanded one, compared with last year’s, stretching over three days, and featuring lively discussions around key topics such as the blue food industry’s contributions to food security and mitigation of climate change.  As always, you will receive the latest updates on regulations, technical projects and market trends and listen to renowned scientists as well as representatives of the value chain and of our membership.

The IFFO team has been working hard to offer an elevating experience to you all.  We hope you will enjoy the new registration process that we have set up on the www.iffo.com website.

We look forward to welcoming you on 19 October, when the Webinar will kick off!


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Find out more about Lima

Find out more about Lima

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