Members' Meeting 2025 12-14 May - Madrid, Spain

Sponsorship for Members' Meeting (Madrid 2025)

Sponsorship opportunities 

With over 200 delegates, from more than 25 countries, IFFO's Members Meeting in Madrid is an opportunity like no other to connect with leading marine ingredients industry representatives. We are delighted to share with you the sponsorship packages available for our upcoming event, taking place from 12th to 14th May 2025.

Raise your profile

Our audience includes key decision makers from the world’s largest marine ingredient producers, as well as traders and shippers, agricultural and aquaculture feed producers, fish oil refiners, analytical laboratories, and consultants, to name a few.

No. of delegates at previous meetings

Origin of delegates at the 2024 Members Meeting

Madrid graph

Madrid graph2

Sponsorship packages







  • Sole Sponsorship of the buffet dinner with exclusive branding
  • Two complementary delegate registration
  • One complementary delegate registrations
  • Three complementary delegate registrations
  • Items from the shopping list below for the value of $6,000
  • Items from the shopping list below for the value of $3,750
  • Opportunity to give a 5 minute-address in the Challenges and Opportunities Market Forum Demand Session
  • Inclusion of your logo in all sponsor acknowledgement banners, our website, LinkedIn account, and event app

  • Inclusion of your logo in all sponsor acknowledgement banners, our website and event app
  • Inclusion of your logo in all sponsor acknowledgement banners, our website, LinkedIn account, and event app
  • Access to your own meeting room in the hotel (10pp max and subject to availability with booking in advance). NEW

Shopping List

Official Conference Signposting                                                                                                     $2,250
Logo displayed on directional signage, helping delegates to find locations
Session Audio-Visual Equipment                                                                                        $2,250
Logo displayed on holding slide in all session halls during breaks

Coffee Breaks (+ cost of product & delivery) 

Banners and branded items displayed in catering areas (subject to hotel approval)  
Delegate Lanyards (+ cost of product & delivery)                                                                                            $3,750
Branded lanyards with company logo for the delegate badges 
Hotel key cards (+ cost of product & delivery)                                                                                                   $3,750
Branded room key cards with company logo for all delegates staying at the hotel 
Pens / notepads (+ cost of product & delivery)                                                                                                 $3,000
Branded pens & notepads with company logo 
WI-FI  $2,250
Sponsor can customize password and/or Wi-fi network name (subject to hotel approval)
Event app                                                                                                                                              $2,250
Recognition on event information/literature and exclusive logo placement on the event app banner
LinkedIn post    $7,500
Placement in one LinkedIn post promoting the sponsor ahead of, during, or after the event. IFFO’s LinkedIn page currently has over 5,000 followers.
Slido (live survey held during the sessions) $2,250
Sponsors Logo will be displayed during the live interactive survey, held in the sessions. Your logo will appear on the main screen during present mode. 
Wordly (translation app) $3,500
Sponsorship of the Wordly translation app: Logo displayed on the instruction slides.

Sponsorship packages need to be paid fully by 31st March with a 10% non-refundable deposit payable on receipt of the invoice. If these payment terms, or the packages included in this proposal, do not fit within your current budgetary structures, please be assured that we will do everything within our power to accommodate your requirements. Please note that some of the items above will not be available at late notice.

IFFO contact

If you are interested in sponsorship or have any further questions then either email [email protected] or telephone +44 (0) 2030 539195.

Our Sponsors