IFFO Conference 2022: taking part in the discussions that will shape the future

Lima, 27 October 2022

iffo conferenceIFFO’s 60th Annual Conference held in Lima came to an end after three days of insightful discussions and presentations from thirty speakers. The Key takeaways from each session are available here.

With a strong sense of commitment, through courageous collaborations, certification and Science Based Targets, the marine ingredients industry is taking a leadership role in pre-competitive collaboration as a powerful means to drive improvements globally.

The industry plays a vital part in the discussions that will shape the future: nutrition through blue foods; climate change mitigation; sustainability trade-offs.

It wants to focus on continuous improvement in responsible raw material sourcing, while playing to its strengths: excellent nutrition, low environmental impacts, and resilience, all of these being supported by science.

The 2023 IFFO Conference will take place in Cape Town, South Africa.