Petter Martin Johannessen
Director General
Petter Martin Johannessen - Director General
Petter M. Johannessen has been heading IFFO The Marine Ingredients Organisation since 2018. He is passionate about seeing the contribution of marine ingredients to global food production recognised, while supporting continuous improvement and responsible practices. IFFO actively engages in and initiates collaborative efforts, considering them a cornerstone of its operations. Johannessen is a founding member of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients, alongside the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. Prior to his current role, Johannessen held industry executive positions including Global Business Director for Risk Management and Sourcing at Cargil Aqua Nutrition, as well as serving as Supply Chain Director and Global Sourcing and Purchasing Lead at EWOS Group.

Astrid Velandia
Operations Lead
Astrid Velandia
Astrid Velandia graduated from La Salle University, Colombia with a BA in Veterinary Science and a Diploma in Poultry Science. She then graduated from Glasgow University in Veterinary Public Health. Her working experience includes farm assurance scheme certification in the UK and animal production and international trade in Latin America. From May 2021 to July 2023, she was MarinTrust’s Operations Manager. She has finalised an MBA in International Business at the London School of Business and Finance.

Maureen Hurt
Conference Team Leader

Alexandra De Jesus
Operations Manager
China Office

Maggie Xu
China Director
Maggie Xu
Maggie joined IFFO in October 2011 as the China Manager and was then promoted to China Director in 2013. She was previously a Trade Commissioner responsible for fish, seafood, meat and processed food and beverage products at the Embassy of Canada to the P. R. China for ten years. Maggie has a B.A. degree in English language and completed a summer school jointly given by London School of Economics and Peking University on international finance.

Xiaowen Ling
Technical Manager

Henry Qu
China Market Analyst

Xingru Li
China Office Manager
Market and Statistics

Dr. Enrico Bachis
Market Research Director
Dr. Enrico Bachis
Enrico joined the organization in 2009 as Business Manager and Information and was then promoted to Market Research Director in 2017. He is responsible for the market intelligence produced by IFFO also representing the industry within the working group on agri-commodities of OECD-FAO. Enrico graduated from Cagliari University in Sardinia with a Political Science degree before obtaining an MSc in Financial Economics and a PhD in Industrial Economics from the University of Nottingham (UK).

Luigi Idili
Market Analyst

Véronique Jamin
Communications and External Relations Director
Véronique Jamin
Véronique joined IFFO in January 2019, bringing over 11 years of experience as Communications Director at the French division of a global water company. Prior to that, she served as a political advisor to local authorities. At IFFO, she leads the Secretariat of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients and oversees stakeholder engagement. Véronique is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and holds a bilingual French-German Master’s degree in Political Science.

Georgie Harris
Communications Manager

Dr Brett Glencross
Technical Director
Dr Brett Glencross
Dr Brett Glencross is the Technical Director of IFFO (The Marine Ingredients Organisation) having commenced this role in June 2021. Prior to this role he was the Professor of Nutrition at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Over the past 25 years he has worked in various academic, institutional, and industrial roles across Australasia, the Middle East and Europe. Throughout his career he has worked closely with many aquaculture production (farming) and feed companies throughout each of these regions. His research achievements have delivered many industrial outcomes resulting in the development of new processes, products, and applications. For his achievements in this regard, he has received multiple awards and commendations from both Government and Industrial organisations. At an academic level, he was one of the former editors of the journal Aquaculture Nutrition from 2008 to 2016. He is also the current Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium for Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF). He has also been a Director of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society (2013 - 2016), as well as undertaking leadership roles at the CSIRO in Australia and the Institute of Aquaculture. He has Honours and Masters Degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Western Australia and a PhD in Animal Nutrition from the University of Queensland.