
PMJ“Although 2023 had its challenges with geopolitics, climate conditions and inflation, we also saw significant movement in key strategic developments within the industry. The valuable and unique contribution of marine ingredients is well recognized and there is increased focus on their strategic application, with precision nutrition, and increasing production through by-products. IFFO helped drive these discussions in our events and other industry discussions, publishing our latest data on by-products and continuing to communicate how marine ingredients are strategically used. Our industry is also progressing beyond responsibly sourced materials to now understanding the broader life cycle assessment (LCA) of marine ingredients. IFFO continues to contribute to the Global Feed LCA Institute’s (GFLI) Data-In-Project to grow our knowledge in this critical area, and this is a great example of our unique role in representing and progressing our industry”.

Petter Martin Johannessen, IFFO Director General


Market reports image

Events image

Media image

Members image

Countries image


1. Supporting our members 4. Leading projects
2. Events & Webinars   5. Finance 
3. Outreach & Press 6. Governance 

Supporting our members

With a membership spanning back over 60 years, IFFO continues to provide a unique range of services and benefits for marine ingredient producers and their related businesses. With 249 members in total, spanning 40 countries, IFFO membership is growing with 26 new Non-Producer and 3 Producer members joining in 2023. This success is echoed by the latest members survey, with 95% of members rating IFFO’s services as either excellent or good. The IFFO team visited members in China, Chile, Norway, Denmark, Indonesia, Peru, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey.

Beyond the events and communications support, IFFO supports members through a wide range of projects and services, some of which are highlighted in the following:

Click on the icons below to explore more:

Market Coverage and Reports
Market Coverage and Reports

Market Coverage and Reports

With IFFO’s members representing 55% of the total world production and around 80% of the total annual trade worldwide and an unrivalled international network, IFFO’s data continues to be unique. IFFO published a record 120 reports in 2023, along with interactive infographics covering various aspects of both the demand and supply of marine ingredients. Published weekly and monthly, IFFO’s market reports gather data from 43 countries and include information on fishmeal and fish oil prices, regulatory information and other related commodities markets. With a growing network, the markets team regularly collaborates with the UN’s FAO and OECD. In 2023, the team also received nearly 200 ad hoc queries, supporting both members and stakeholders. Find out more in our members area


The IFFO China team supports members with MARA (China Ministry of Agriculture) import license applications, a service which costs 80% lower than from other service providers. The team also continues to coordinate with the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) and relevant Embassies in Beijing on China market access issues for IFFO members, with 15 updates of GACC-approved establishment lists. In-depth data on the China market is also produced and included in IFFO’s market reports, along with a monthly China Outlook report. Focus reports are also produced, such as a China farming species report on the large yellow croaker industry. As well as a monthly newsletter, the team engages with a wide range of stakeholders in China on various platforms, most notably WeChat, Bilibili and Weibo. Posts focus on IFFO's published articles and also vodcast videos, which have proved very popular


IFFO’s SDG hub continues to grow with an impressive range of examples of how companies are both mitigating and adapting to climate change. It shows a wide range of action taken from across the industry and provides an important platform to share best practice. Visit the SDG hub
Member Committees
Member Committees

Member Committees

IFFO members can engage directly on projects and join informal discussions through committees: the Communications Network group and the technical and regulatory network (TaRN).



Antioxidants are feed additives that are mainly used to prevent oxidation in animal feed and its ingredients such as fishmeal. Following the de-authorisation of ethoxyquin as an  antioxidant for the feed sector in the European Union in 2022, work on the assessment of novel antioxidants was completed with a report available for members. The registration of tocopherols for the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) bulk shipping (IMSBC) code progressed and is now available on a voluntary basis from 1st January 2024. IFFO helped with a Peruvian submission to further amend the IMSBC code to remove the dangerous goods coding, a process which is being finalised.

Microplastic Origins and Uptake
Microplastic Origins and Uptake

Microplastic Origins and Uptake

IFFO’s multi-partner project investigating microplastics in fishmeal and oil progressed with samples collected, animal trials and analyses completed and a final report in preparation. Preliminary findings have been presented to IFFO members via the Technical and Regulatory Network (TaRN). Fish trials completed in 2022 both showed negligible to no uptake by the fed animals or impacts on their health. A research paper is to be published by a per-reviewed journal in 2024.

Stakeholder Engagement: Events & Webinars 

In-person events:

IFFO organised 2 webinars and 5 in-person events, most notably the record-breaking Members Meeting held in Madrid, the Annual Conference in Cape Town, and the China Workshop held in Guangzhou city. With 220 members attending the Madrid Members Meeting and 395 delegates attending our Cape Town Annual Conference from 39 countries, these events proved once again to be the hub of the industry.

Discussions at these events focused on the evolving role of marine ingredients in feed and human nutrition, with a precision nutrition approach in feed taking into consideration the nutritional and environmental factors of ingredients. The challenges facing a growing demand for the long chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA were a focal point of discussions, with market intelligence being the key to understanding this. This is where the Market Forum’s provided an unparalleled global outlook from across our industry, covering both the supply and demand of marine ingredients.

As part of our mission in gathering industry experts to drive innovative discussions, two technical workshops were held in 2023. The first workshop, hosted in Stirling (Scotland), explored a range of critical questions around omega-3 futures in aquafeeds. Experts debated the existing stocks of omega-3 long chain fatty acids EPA and DHA, how they are being used and valued and what new resources are under development. The nutritional requirements for salmon, marine fish and shrimp were each explored, looking at when omega-3 are key to health and growth, and then compared with the requirements for these nutrients in human diets.

Looking at emerging new sources of marine ingredients, a second workshop focused on the potential of by-products, held in Cape Town (South Africa). This workshop explored new innovative ways to capture these valuable ingredients and reduce waste, with examples from Norway, Namibia and Morocco presented, each showcasing the range of opportunities available to the industry.

The last event of 2023 was the 6th China Marine Ingredients workshop, held in Guangzhou, China. This workshop explored the value points and global market dynamics of marine ingredients from both a Chinese and global perspective. The event gathered 69 representatives of the industry, mostly based in China.



IFFO’s InFocus series continued with two webinars, the first focusing again on by-products with Dr Wesley Malcorps from the University of Stirling, and Francisco Aldon, CEO of MarinTrust, looking at their potential as key sustainable ingredients and what systems exist to trace them. The second webinar provided an update on several ongoing projects in Southeast Asia, featuring Dave Martin, Programme Director at Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP).




























Representing the industry

Every year, IFFO represents the industry at events across the world, click on the icon below to view the events that the IFFO team presented at in 2023:

Click on the icon below to view the events that the IFFO team presented at in 2023

Events IFFO presented at:
Events IFFO presented at:

Events IFFO presented at:

North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF)
FAO-OECD agri-commodities working group workshop
Blue Food Innovation Summit
Seafood Expo Global
IFFO Members Meeting
ASC Shrimp Summit (Ecuador)
Global Shrimp Forum
IFFO Annual Conference
FAO Fish Price Index workshop
Pelagic Forum
FEAP SMART webinar (Federation of European Aquaculture Producers)
FAO workshop
China Feed Industry Development Forum

The Aquaculture Roundtable Series

Stakeholder Engagement: Outreach

IFFO grows out of a fishmeal and fish oil industry need for collaboration, information and shared problem solving. Beyond IFFO’s efforts to facilitate cooperation and address shared commercial problems within the membership, IFFO constantly liaises with academia, regulatory bodies, governments, international organisations and industry press. IFFO provides a reference point for marine ingredients with the IFFO website, which features videos of experts, while also engaging stakeholders directly on social media via LinkedIn and WeChat, Bilibili and Weibo in China.

Press engagement

IFFO responded proactively to all media and NGO requests, while driving discussions on marine ingredients through 15 press releases, 30 opinion, 4 videos with international experts, and blog articles resulting in 171 pieces of global press coverage.







PMJ Press






Click on the icons below to explore IFFO's projects
The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients
The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients

The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients

IFFO participated in and held the role as Secretariat for Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients, with active workstreams on West Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Representatives from IFFO and the West Africa workstream took part in a FAO-led workshop in Ghana, about small pelagic fish in Sub Saharan Africa, to address circularity and value-added reasoning regarding fish leftovers and the fishing industry. The Global Roundtable published the Track the Fish report, analysing the human rights impacts that the industry is having in Mauritania and Senegal. IFFO is also engaging the Roundtable on Life Cycle Assessment Approach, with GFLI.

Find out more in the Roundtable’s Annual Report.

Science-based communications for a general audience
Science-based communications for a general audience

Science-based communications for a general audience

IFFO published two science-based campaigns in 2023, the first focusing on the environmental impact of marine ingredients and the second covering the health benefits of fish oil, both in feed and for humans.
New Knowledge Hub section
New Knowledge Hub section

New Knowledge Hub section

A new information section on our website tells the story of marine ingredients from start to end, allowing the reader to delve into the science and market data from across the industry. Starting with the sources of marine ingredients, this section shows the breakdown between whole fish and by-products, and the growth of the later. The section also covers production processes, the nutritional profile of fishmeal and fish oil, and end use across feed, food and nutraceuticals. Each page links to relevant scientific reports for the reader to explore further.
By-Products calculations
By-Products calculations

By-Products calculations

IFFO has calculated that currently around 41% of the world’s marine ingredients production comes from by-product in 2023. Looking separately at fishmeal and fish oil, IFFO found that the global production of fishmeal from by-products accounts for 38%, while fish oil output from by-products represents 55% of the total fish oil production. The higher value compared to fishmeal is due mainly to the high oil yields of salmon and pangasius trimmings. This webpage continues to be updated with IFFO’s latest data.
Work with the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI)
Work with the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI)

Work with the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI)

IFFO became a member of the GFLI in 2022 and continues to support the Data-In-Project to add to and update all the marine ingredient data their database, by initiating data collection at factories of several IFFO members. The marine ingredients industry has been contributing to transparency on sustainability metrics through the various works it has commissioned over time regarding impact, effectiveness, and value of the use of marine ingredients. We now want to go further, towards a more holistic and comprehensive measurement based on the use of lifecycle assessment (LCA) analyses. The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients will also contribute to GFLI data-in project, aiming to expand and update the publicly available GFLI database with new marine ingredients data. Find out more

Scientific journals
Scientific journals

Scientific journals

IFFO contributed to or published the following scientific papers:

Harvesting the benefits of nutritional research to address global challenges in the 21st century

(Brett Glencross, Débora Machado Fracalossi, Katheline Hua, Marisol Izquierdo, Kangsen Mai, Margareth Øverland, David Robb, Rodrigo Roubach, Johan Schrama, Brian Small …) First published: 25 March 2023


Auditors’ opinion (Hillier Hopkins LLP – Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditor): We have audited the financial statements of IFFO (2012) Limited (the 'Company') for the year ended 31 December 2023, which comprise the Statement of income and retained earnings, the Balance sheet, the Statement of changes in equity and the related notes, including a summary of significant accounting policies. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland' (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 

In our opinion the financial statements: Give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 December 2023 and of its loss for the year that ended; have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

Click on the icon below to view the full accounts:

IFFO 2023 Accounts
IFFO 2023 Accounts

IFFO 2023 Accounts

Statement of income and retained earnings

for the year ended 31 December 2023







Gross profit



Administrative expenses



Other operating income



Other operating expenditure



Operating (loss)/profit



Interest receivable and similar income



Interest payable and expenses



(Loss)profit before tax



Tax on (loss)/profit



(Loss)/profit after tax



Retained earnings at the beginning of the year



(Loss)/profit for the year



Retained earnings at the end of the year




Balance sheet as at 31 December 2023





Fixed assets


Tangible assets














Current assets


Debtors: amounts falling due within one year





Cash at bank and in hand









Creditors: amounts falling due within one year





Net current assets





Total assets less current liabilities





Net assets





Capital and reserves





Other reserves





Profit and loss account











The Board of Directors of IFFO is made up of Directors from Producer members nominated by either individual countries or regions. Each director serves a 2-year term and is then eligible for re-election. Meetings are held at least twice a year, along with more regular meetings for smaller Liaison groups to focus on specific areas.


President: Egil Magne Haugstad

Egil Magne Haugstad is the CEO of Pelagia AS and current President of IFFO.


Click on the icon below to view the whole IFFO Board:

Board of Directors for 2024-2025 term
Board of Directors for 2024-2025 term

Board of Directors for 2024-2025 term

Board of Directors for 2024-2025 term

President of the Board: Egil Magne Haugstad


Egil was elected President of IFFO Board (2024-2025 term) and is a member for Europe. He is the CEO of Pelagia AS. Pelagia’s Head Office is in Norway with factories concentrated on North Atlantic. The fishmeal and -oil factories are in Norway, England, Scotland and Ireland. Pelagia is also the largest producer of pelagic seafood globally and high-quality omega-3 concentrates in Norway. Pelagia runs the biggest fleet of vessels collecting by-products categories 3 and 2 from the salmon industry.

Vice President: Eduardo Goycoolea


Eduardo Goycoolea was one of the founders and first co-President of IFFO back in 2001 when it was created. He is currently Vice President of the Board (2024-2025 term) and is a member for Latin America. 


Latin America



Adriana Giudice

CEO, Pesquera Austral Group


José Miguel Tirado

CEO, Copeinca


Gonzalo De Romaña

General Manager, Tecnológica de Alimentos (TASA)


Fernando Ribaudo

Founding director of Pesquera Diamante


Walter Martínez Moreno

Chairman of the board of Hayduk Corporation 



Felipe Zaldivar

CEO at Corpesca S.A.



Armando Coppel

Maz Industrial SA de CV ; Director



Johannes Palsson 

CEO at FF Skagen


Johann Peter Andersen

Manager, The Icelandic Fishmeal Association

USA & Canada:

Dan James

Dan James

President & CEO - Kodiak Fishmeal Company

Rest of the World:


Andre du Preez

Project Manager / Marketing at Pioneer Fishing (Pty) Ltd


Mohammed Shawkath Showry

Managing Director, Blueline Foods (India) pvt Ltd