Members' Meeting 2025 12-14 May - Madrid, Spain

Side Events

This year’s Members' Meeting programme includes two optional side events held in the afternoons, to provide more choice to the attendees. Those side events will focus on market access through certification (MarinTrust-hosted event) and an IFFO InFocus Workshop on Precision Nutrition for Aquaculture.

These side events will take place in English, with live translation available via our Wordly App. 

More information is below.


          >   Spaces are limited so registration for these events will be on a first come, first served basis.
          >   Please note that these side events are only available to IFFO Members' Meeting delegates.  
          >   You can log in and register for the side events via the delegates' area.


Side event host Event details


IFFO: InFocus Workshop on Precision Nutrition for Aquaculture 

Monday 12th May
from 15:30 - 17:30


This side event will explore the fast developing area of precision nutrition in aquafeed. Find out more about the important role of palatability, omega and amino acids formulation, and the latest digital tools to design and assess feed formulations.



- Brett Glencross, Technical Director, IFFO (Moderator & speaker)

- Johan Schrama, Wageningen University & Research 

- Sofia Morais, Lucta 

- Dominique Bureau, Wittaya Aqua International

- Christian DeSantis, Cargill Aqua Nutrition

- Ian Carr, Veramaris 

- Kyla Zatti, BioMar Group


Register for the side events via the delegates' area

MT logo


How recognition between standards can drive responsible supply and market access 

Tuesday 13 May
from 15:00 - 16:30


This event will explore how seafood certification programmes are working together to increase certified ingredients volumes into aquaculture. Speakers will show how recognition between standards can increase efficiency, market access and provide assurance to the value chain. 



- MarinTrust (Moderator) – Francisco Aldon, CEO, MarinTrust

- Jeff Regnart, Programme Manager, Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM)

- Dan James, President & CEO, Kodiak Fishmeal Company 

- Dan Lee, Program Integrity Advisor, Global Seafood Alliance


Register for the side events via the delegates' area


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