IN FOCUS Webinar Feb 2022 The marine ingredients industry in Northwest and West Africa

Registration and Conditions

'IN FOCUS' webinar - 8 February 2022



IFFO event registration will take place here on our corporate website. From now on you will have a single user and password for both our Members’ Area and the events you register for.  On the webinar registration form:

If you already have a user for our Members’ Area, please use your registered email in the ‘Delegate Email Address’ field and the system will check your details against the database. If you are logged in, your email should appear automatically. Once registered you can access the Delegates’ Area with your username and password.

If you do not have a user for our Members’ Area, please enter your corporate email address in the ‘Delegate’s unique Email Address’ field and a new user will be created for you. You will receive an email with the username and password. Please note you need to provide a unique email to create your user, but you can add a different display email address during the registration process.

To start your registration for the IFFO 'IN FOCUS’ Webinar February 2022, please follow the link below.

Registration Conditions

The following Conditions relate the IFFO 'IN FOCUS’ Webinar February 2022:


  • The 'IN FOCUS’ Webinar is restricted to members of IFFO.  If you are not a member of IFFO, please visit the following page for further information https://www.iffo.com/why-join-us
  • In order to participate in the event, members must register in advance
  • The deadline to register is Friday 4 February.  Any registrations after this date will not be accepted
  • Members must use their corporate email address to register
  • If you wish to cancel your registration, please let us know via email to [email protected]
  • The Zoom Webinar sessions (including questions from delegates) will be recorded and added to the members area of www.iffo.com